Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Oi I'm sorry to hear that. I have something trying to get into my coop at night now but I don't know what it is. I have only been a chicken owner for about a month and i thought I would be able to use them for meat. Now they all have names and my kids love chasin them around. I do need to potentially find a home for my two gold laced cochin roos. My wife has made my decision for me. We are either pursuing silve laced wyndottes or black australorps now. Think my wife is scared about the bird flu paranoia. And as for the worms? Do you treat yearly just in case or do you only wait till you see them in the poop.
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You should see if you can look up the poop picture thread on here. It can help you sort out if you have a problem or not. Is it a lot of blood? Sometimes you see a little orange red in the poop, and that is just a bit of intestinal wall shedding, which is quite normal and nothing to worry about. If there is more blood, it may be Cocfi, which is bad news. You can always post a pic too if you're able. We all have seen chicken poop before! ;)

Finally spoke to my neighbor lady about her naughty kitty. She was very careful to neither admit nor deny it was her cat. Funny though, she used to have a chicken farm herself! The cat basically sneaks out all the time because she is 76 with health problems and on oxygen. I told her I will just have to keep my chicks penned up from now on until they are bigger. She had tried to tell me several times that it might have been a hawk, skunk or possum. I didn't give her a hard time, but I know this area and the predators we have. Also, one of my chicks has small puncture wounds and I have seen her cat in my yard on more than one occasion. She also said the cat usually goes out from 12-4, which is when I am at work. Oh well, I tried! :p

I would get a live trap and bait it with tuna. Set it up when you leave for work and you will likely have cat when you get home. Take the whole trap over to the lady and ask her how it happened that her cat was in your yard. Make an offhanded comment about calling animal control if you catch it again, then do that if you get it on day 2.

If she loves her cat, she will stop letting it free range to protect it, if she doesn't care that much, you get rid of a neighborhood nuisance. Pet cats left to range unattended eat a huge amount of wildlife, to the point that some people want to banish cats outdoors altogether. There are a lot of cats on the farm and they catch some unintended birds and such, but mostly mice, since that is what is easiest to catch in a barn.

I have a momma cat & 4 male kittens. All raised with my birds. I've never seen any of them go after a bird at all. Furry things & snakes are another story. We have no problems with mice, moles, rats, chipmunks, or garter snakes anywhere near the house or coops. We were watching the momma show the boys how to catch mice in the pasture just before dusk tonight.
......We are either pursuing silve laced wyndottes or black australorps now. Think my wife is scared about the bird flu paranoia. And as for the worms? Do you treat yearly just in case or do you only wait till you see them in the poop.
Silver Laced Wyandottes and Black Australorps are what I have. Where did you get your birds from?
I'd place an ad on or craigslist looking for one and see if you get any his. Some people may have gotten poults earlier in the spring and now be finding that they have an extra Tom. Not sure how you're willing to go.

Thank you for the idea. I seem to never get a response though. I have gotten more on this thread then I have in 2 months of placing wanted ads.

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