Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Remember how that girl sold those ducks that were supposed to be mine while I was on vacation? Guess what? :weee :weee I got 5 white hens (one is for a friend). Whites aren't that common, and are more expensive. I got them for 12 bucks (super cheap) and they're way better quality than any of hers :weee :ya
Thanks. Me too
. I'll see her at a swap tomorrow and while I usually try to take the high road, I think I may just brag about them tomorrow :p
Chippy: Nothing wrong with strutting your stuff....let her know how happy you are that things worked out the way they did....maybe ask her if she's in the market for some birds???
Ahahaha that would be AWESOME! I just might do that ;)
:th I have a new layer... And it's [COLOR=008000]GREEN![/COLOR] I am so happy!!! :cd I actually think all five are laying now. While I still have only gotten three eggs/day, yesterday and today an egg was tan, while before they were all brown. It's a mystery for now, but I am so happy to have a green egg layer! Even if it was an accident. THANK YOU, FISHERLADY AND RADIO MAN!! :highfive:
Hooray! :ya Congrats! I've never had a green layer, but with my new girls they may lay green :)
:th I have a new layer... And it's [COLOR=008000]GREEN![/COLOR] I am so happy!!! :cd   I actually think all five are laying now. While I still have only gotten three eggs/day, yesterday and today an egg was tan, while before they were all brown. It's a mystery for now, but I am so happy to have a green egg layer! Even if it was an accident. THANK YOU, FISHERLADY AND RADIO MAN!! :highfive:

You are very welcome! I love knowing they are in your hands! As for source...since they are barnyard mixes they all can carry the green egg gene. A few years ago we had a couple of beautiful, solid black hens with the cutest muffs and beards but they laid brown eggs, we still have one with a full beard and ear muffs who is a beautiful Partridge pattern and she lays brown eggs but probably carries the green gene also. Our senior roo is a mix some shade of green from our chicks doesn't surprise me. I am curious to see if any of them inherited the broody tendency from our girls! If they did you could be in trouble! LOL
I want to start raising a few egg laying chickens in my backyard. Trying to find the easiest breeds to keep in my area, want them to be happy and healthy and raise them to be social with me, kids & dog. I love doing research before I start a project and there is so much great info here. I think I'm ready to order my first girls. Have picked out: Buff Orpington, Easter Egger, Golden Buff, Barred Plymouth Rock and Gold Laced Wyandotte. Just worried about ordering them now (they'd arrive week of 8/17). Would they be able to live out in the coop and make it through the winter?
not sure if posting here is the right thing to do or to start new but i am in pa I will start here. if I need to move this please let me know. I am looking for someone to build me a plucker. was going to start in meat birds this spring but my mom passed away. so it got put on hold. I am a bit more organized now and getting things ready. I know I could buy one outright but thought id see if there was anyone in/near southeast pa who has done one and could use the money more than the companies. I can get supplies or builder.. doesn't matter to me. I have been doing the odd random chicken for raw feeding friends and for the dogs we just skin and save time but for the real meat birds I don't want to do that. I am all for recycled parts as well so am ok with whatever sounds good. please feel free to email me. again- if there is someplace else this should go I will move it- just wasn't sure.

sue zip 19567

Sorry about your mom, my mom passed suddenly 10 years ago and it's still a loss for me. I wish I could tell you time will make it all better, but we can know our mom's want us to have a fulfilled life, whether they are here to express that or not.

As for the plucker, youtube is my go to for make-your-own anything. I don't process, but making a plucker seems doable. IDK anyone making them to sell. I'm sure that is a small market, but anyone doing it would have the market mostly to themselves.
I want to start raising a few egg laying chickens in my backyard. Trying to find the easiest breeds to keep in my area, want them to be happy and healthy and raise them to be social with me, kids & dog. I love doing research before I start a project and there is so much great info here. I think I'm ready to order my first girls. Have picked out: Buff Orpington, Easter Egger, Golden Buff, Barred Plymouth Rock and Gold Laced Wyandotte. Just worried about ordering them now (they'd arrive week of 8/17). Would they be able to live out in the coop and make it through the winter?

Last year I hatched chicks in October and they made it through last winter, harsh as it was, with no problems at all. So this is still a great time to get chicks, I'm still selling chicks and will be until October, at least.

Where are you located, maybe there are local people here who can give more climate-specific advice ?
You are very welcome! I love knowing they are in your hands! As for source...since they are barnyard mixes they all can carry the green egg gene. A few years ago we had a couple of beautiful, solid black hens with the cutest muffs and beards but they laid brown eggs, we still have one with a full beard and ear muffs who is a beautiful Partridge pattern and she lays brown eggs but probably carries the green gene also. Our senior roo is a mix some shade of green from our chicks doesn't surprise me. I am curious to see if any of them inherited the broody tendency from our girls! If they did you could be in trouble! LOL
The blue egg gene that makes green (with brown added to the outside shell) is dominant, so it will always show in the eggs. If you want green, just get a blue-egg breed roo (Ameraucana or Legbar) and all the progeny will lay green or blue eggs (blue if the hen is a white egg layer).

I happen to have extra roos of both if anyone is starting a project and needs one.

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