Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Hi, I hope this is okay. I just wanted to share my ad with fellow Pennsylvanians
Hatching eggs available upon request, I'm located in north east, pa
I am thinking the north eastern part of the state, not in the area of the town called North East, which is actually near erie?
Just to avoid any confusion...
Yes, thank you. I'm in Hunlock Creek which is North Eastern, Pa. I didn't even know there was a town called North East, Pa. Sorry for any confusion. :)
No problem, I am on my phone and don't have a mapping thing on it, so just wanted to check...
I need to find a mapping page, funny thing is that I have about 6 different sites for checking wind/weather/wave reports but none for finding towns...
Such an exhausting day today! The kids and I husked and shucked just over 300 ears of sweet corn this evening. We were at it for 5 hours! The kids did the husking and I cut the kernels off. Does anyone know an easier way to get the kernels off the cob? Honestly, I stole one of my husband's hole saws and his drill and used it to get them off lol. My hands hurt but mission accomplished. All the corn is in a big container to be canned tomorrow.
Such an exhausting day today! The kids and I husked and shucked just over 300 ears of sweet corn this evening. We were at it for 5 hours! The kids did the husking and I cut the kernels off. Does anyone know an easier way to get the kernels off the cob? Honestly, I stole one of my husband's hole saws and his drill and used it to get them off lol. My hands hurt but mission accomplished. All the corn is in a big container to be canned tomorrow.
I have seen folks use the big slaw board (cabbage board) for removing the kernels... just make sure to keep your fingertips clear!
Such an exhausting day today! The kids and I husked and shucked just over 300 ears of sweet corn this evening. We were at it for 5 hours! The kids did the husking and I cut the kernels off. Does anyone know an easier way to get the kernels off the cob? Honestly, I stole one of my husband's hole saws and his drill and used it to get them off lol. My hands hurt but mission accomplished. All the corn is in a big container to be canned tomorrow.

Impressive! Keep up the good work!

First week back to school was stressful... I ramped up the number of honors classes I'm taking this year and my hand has blisters and raw spots from writing so much. I've had piles of homework already and any spare time has been used to chill out with/care for the birds or nap. I got no sleep this week and am not going to be able to sleep in this weekend at all, ugh. Sorry for all the complaining
. Just needed to vent a little.
Impressive! Keep up the good work!

First week back to school was stressful... I ramped up the number of honors classes I'm taking this year and my hand has blisters and raw spots from writing so much. I've had piles of homework already and any spare time has been used to chill out with/care for the birds or nap. I got no sleep this week and am not going to be able to sleep in this weekend at all, ugh. Sorry for all the complaining
. Just needed to vent a little.

Hon, you can vent here anytime you want!! you can be proud of what you are accomplishing with all of your hard work. Very few would sign up for what you are doing....we will look forward to any chance you get to share with us. I hope the intensity reduces a bit as you get into a routine, but even if it doesn't you know where to come for a couple minutes of relaxation to get recharged.
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Impressive! Keep up the good work!

First week back to school was stressful... I ramped up the number of honors classes I'm taking this year and my hand has blisters and raw spots from writing so much. I've had piles of homework already and any spare time has been used to chill out with/care for the birds or nap. I got no sleep this week and am not going to be able to sleep in this weekend at all, ugh. Sorry for all the complaining
. Just needed to vent a little.

I am so with you. Last year of nursing school started this week. Talk about hitting the ground running, I've got back to back med calc exams and clinical starts Monday. I live with my dad (we lost my mom two years ago, and being here while I go to school is the best way I can help out) and he went out of town on a business trip this week as well. First week back and caring for the zoo solo was just about all I could take. Especially since my 22 year old cat had to be put under last weekend to remove a rotten tooth and it turns out her jaw is riddled with cancer. Pain meds every twelve hours and canned food for breakfast and dinner since then. Going into a semester with energy levels depleted totally warrants some venting.

But, one of my girls did lay her first egg yesterday.

Such an exhausting day today! The kids and I husked and shucked just over 300 ears of sweet corn this evening. We were at it for 5 hours! The kids did the husking and I cut the kernels off. Does anyone know an easier way to get the kernels off the cob? Honestly, I stole one of my husband's hole saws and his drill and used it to get them off lol. My hands hurt but mission accomplished. All the corn is in a big container to be canned tomorrow.


I had a buddy that shucked the corn, then blanched it and froze it on the cob....never in the amounts you are doing though....

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