Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Hey guys, emergency question. I just came home after being out all day to find one of my girls dead. :hit It doesn't looks like foul play, none of the chicks are missing. I did not see any injuries or anything on her. It's my SLW, about a year old. My egg production has been down, but I also have broodies. Should I have her tested? Where do I have her tested? Her neck was completely limp, but I guess thats normal if she died? I felt to see if she was egg bound, but her vent did not feel firm. Her crop was semi full, but soft. She hadn't been acting strange at all either. Is it possible she could have choked? She is still a little warm, so I know it was not long ago. I'm okay that she died, but I don't want her to suffer, and I don't want to spread any diseases to the rest of my flock.



Wow, so sorry, she's beautiful. If you want a necropsy done, New Bolton Center on Byrd Road in Kennett Square does it (part of the New Bolton Center). I think they charge $35-$45. Their number is (610) 444-4282. You will need to keep the bird refrigerated, not frozen until you drop it off. Again, sorry.

I have been "under the weather for the last 4 days". IDK what I got, but I have a new appreciation for good health (and hope to have it again soon). I've had to push myself with what little energy I have to take care of all the chickens, and after even a few minutes of activity I am exhausted. I'm so far behind on my plans and this just made it much worse.

I hope to be back participating here soon.

Crud. Hope you feel better soon. . :hugs
I have been "under the weather for the last 4 days". IDK what I got, but I have a new appreciation for good health (and hope to have it again soon). I've had to push myself with what little energy I have to take care of all the chickens, and after even a few minutes of activity I am exhausted. I'm so far behind on my plans and this just made it much worse.

I hope to be back participating here soon.

Hoping you're back up to par soon! There's nothing worse than being sick and miserable and still having a ton of stuff to do.
I have been "under the weather for the last 4 days". IDK what I got, but I have a new appreciation for good health (and hope to have it again soon). I've had to push myself with what little energy I have to take care of all the chickens, and after even a few minutes of activity I am exhausted. I'm so far behind on my plans and this just made it much worse.

I hope to be back participating here soon.

Hope you are feeling better!

Wow, so sorry, she's beautiful. If you want a necropsy done, New Bolton Center on Byrd Road in Kennett Square does it (part of the New Bolton Center). I think they charge $35-$45. Their number is (610) 444-4282. You will need to keep the bird refrigerated, not frozen until you drop it off. Again, sorry.

Thanks everyone, it's sad, but it happens. I think I will wait on the necropsy because she was quite healthy, and so is everyone else. I think she just dropped dead. If I have another chicken go, I will definitely have it tested. I'm glad I kept one of the Rhodebar chicks. :)
I have been "under the weather for the last 4 days". IDK what I got, but I have a new appreciation for good health (and hope to have it again soon). I've had to push myself with what little energy I have to take care of all the chickens, and after even a few minutes of activity I am exhausted. I'm so far behind on my plans and this just made it much worse.

I hope to be back participating here soon.

Feel better soon. I am getting over a cold? I was sneezing really bad for one day and my lungs have been hurting ever since. I do have asthma but it doesn't feel like my asthma is acting up. I get tried very easy because my lungs hurt so much.

Last night when I was putting my birds to bed I see a dog running around my coops. I think it was my neighbor's dog. They weren't home and I didn't know her name, since she never got loose in my yard before. I tried to call her like come here good girl to keep her from getting my chickens and they have 4 young children from 7 to 14, and I didn't want their dog to get hurt. I am a softy when it comes to kids and animals. It took off, it got dark so fast last night. I heard a gun shot coming from where the dog took off in that direction and then I heard howling. This morning I found one of my 3 roosters I let free range. I found one of them last night and put him away. The other 2 were missing and I feared the worse. This morning they were back but the one is missing all the flight feathers on one wing and the other wing is broken. I put him away and the other 2 are free ranging now. I guess I should ask the neighbor if they found their dog and tell them that she got one of my birds. I couldn't sleep last night, having nightmares about finding all my birds dead. I know once a dog gets a taste for birds they don't stop. I didn't see any puncture wounds on my rooster.
Having trouble breathing? Temp? Could potentially have pneumonia. Or something else that has a tendency to cause lethargy. In which case you potentially need some antibiotics.
Hi, the fine people in the main forum said I might have some luck here.

I currently have 4 RIR hens, 2 barred rocks (1 pullet, 1 roo, we think--they are newly hatched) and currently 24 black australorp eggs in our incubator. The 24 was a mistake. We purchased a dozen eggs online and the seller sent double the amount! We aren't sure what we're going to do with so many birds, since we're just backyard farmers, but anyway, we do have one problem. We lost our Rhode Island Red roo recently and we're looking for a replacement Red or White. We're in the Poconos, near Effort, PA. We were wondering if anyone locally is selling, or is willing to trade, a red or white Rhode Island roo to us. We will not cull him--our girls need him. If you were interested in our excess australorp chicks, we could arrange a trade around the 15th of Sept, when they'll be around 3 days old. Please only roos that are healthy. We would like to breed him.

Please drop me a PM or email me: [email protected]. And thank you!
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Hi, the fine people in the main forum said I might have some luck here.

I currently have 4 RIR hens, 2 barred rocks (1 pullet, 1 roo, we think--they are newly hatched) and currently 24 black australorp eggs in our incubator. The 24 was a mistake. We purchased a dozen eggs online and the seller sent double the amount! We aren't sure what we're going to do with so many birds, since we're just backyard farmers, but anyway, we do have one problem. We lost our Rhode Island Red roo recently and we're looking for a replacement Red or White. We're in the Poconos, near Effort, PA. We were wondering if anyone locally is selling, or is willing to trade, a red or white Rhode Island roo to us. We will not cull him--our girls need him. If you were interested in our excess australorp chicks, we could arrange a trade around the 15th of Sept, when they'll be around 3 days old. Please only roos that are healthy. We would like to breed him.

Please drop me a PM or email me: [email protected]. And thank you!
I am in the Poconos but I just have 2 black Easter Egger roos born this year and a silkie rooster born this year around April.
Hi, the fine people in the main forum said I might have some luck here.

I currently have 4 RIR hens, 2 barred rocks (1 pullet, 1 roo, we think--they are newly hatched) and currently 24 black australorp eggs in our incubator. The 24 was a mistake. We purchased a dozen eggs online and the seller sent double the amount! We aren't sure what we're going to do with so many birds, since we're just backyard farmers, but anyway, we do have one problem. We lost our Rhode Island Red roo recently and we're looking for a replacement Red or White. We're in the Poconos, near Effort, PA. We were wondering if anyone locally is selling, or is willing to trade, a red or white Rhode Island roo to us. We will not cull him--our girls need him. If you were interested in our excess australorp chicks, we could arrange a trade around the 15th of Sept, when they'll be around 3 days old. Please only roos that are healthy. We would like to breed him.

Please drop me a PM or email me: [email protected]. And thank you!

I have a RIR roo free ranging on the farm that you can have for free. I got him as a youngster this past spring, so he's at his prime and has no hens of his own now. Since he's smart enough to survive the predators and farm machinery, I think he'd be an excellent breeder and flock protector. Very handsome now too, free ranging brings out the best plumage. He would see your place (and your hens) as an upgrade, even if he had to give up free ranging and settle down.

It may be a bit far to drive, but if you find yourself heading to this area, PM me and if he's still around (sometimes a predator takes out a roo, but he seems pretty savvy), I will catch him for you. I need a day's notice to catch him. I know where he sleeps, but he knows all the escape routes and a daytime pursuit will be useless. I have to use my technological advantage (a flashlight).

As for your extra Australorps, I wouldn't sweat it much. An ad on Craigslist will get a lot of interest this time of year. IDK the local market there, but they would easily get $5 each straight run around here. Sell a few to pay for the rest. Or if you have room, keep them all until sexable and sell the extra pullets for $15 each. That ensures you get to keep the number of pullets you want.
As my last post alludes to, I'm feeling much better. Still weak from not eating (hey maybe I lost some weight!), but the pain and "fog" seems to be gone.

Yesterday we moved the turkey tractor and found a nest with 5 eggs. The Midget Whites that were hatched in late Feb or March are starting to lay! That's younger than a lot of the heritage chicken breeds we have. I wonder if I could selectively breed MW's for egg laying and sell turkey eggs for eating?

I asked my niece to only save CCL and Welbar eggs from now on, going to start slowing down for the end of the season. Makes me a bit sad, but it has been a lot of extra work. If anyone is interested in any chicks or keets, let me know soon. Of course friends from here get "special" deals. Or if you want any of the eggs we are no longer saving (it's tough to think of someone just eating a fertile Welsummer egg).

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