Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

. Me! I wanna see pics of your winter coop! And chick pics when they hatch (as long as I'm asking).

I need to think about coops for the winter. I've got quite a few birds in some not so safe or winter proof coops...
I've got my turkeys in a not so safe for winter run. The coop part they would be ok in but they are silly birds and don't seem to like going in it. Currently the enclosed run that's attached to it has a tarp over most of it for shade and after a rain storm (like last night) the swimming pool it collects needs emptied. The chickens should be good to go with plenty of ventilation and nothing blowing directly on them, even if there coop isn't insulated.
. Me! I wanna see pics of your winter coop! And chick pics when they hatch (as long as I'm asking).

I need to think about coops for the winter. I've got quite a few birds in some not so safe or winter proof coops...


You've seen my 'pallet crate' coop....If something like that would work for you, the pallet crates are usually available at the beginning of the Christmas season at Whole foods...(they get pine rope etc. in them) and throw them out,,,,its 40"x48"....its costs x3 pieces of glassboard, some peel and stick linoleum tiles, and one small piece of glass for a window, all under $100 at HD....(I added a nesting box later)
Hatch day came early. Check out this little overachiever. He broke right out of his egg and stood up!

23 Australorps left to go. We have two more pecking their way out even as we speak.
RedRaptor13, be careful about not opening the incubator at this stage, it's easy for the humidity to drop and the other chicks to get stuck in their shells and not be able to get out.
RedRaptor13, be careful about not opening the incubator at this stage, it's easy for the humidity to drop and the other chicks to get stuck in their shells and not be able to get out.
We closed the incubator back up immediately after we gave him a hand. He half broke out and managed to flip himself over on his back so he was distressing. He's resting now.
I've got my turkeys in a not so safe for winter run. The coop part they would be ok in but they are silly birds and don't seem to like going in it. Currently the enclosed run that's attached to it has a tarp over most of it for shade and after a rain storm (like last night) the swimming pool it collects needs emptied.  The chickens should be good to go with plenty of ventilation and nothing blowing directly on them, even if there coop isn't insulated.

I'm a bit nervous about our accommodations for out turkeys this winter. We didn't get their coop and run built so they have been staying in our shed which is 10 x 14 and works nice for them right now but there is only 1 window and a big door that can be opened. No attached run and no other ventilation. How susceptible are turkeys to frostbite? There's also no attached run. I always just let them free range all day. Will they go out in the snow? I know my chickens won't lol
I'm a bit nervous about our accommodations for out turkeys this winter. We didn't get their coop and run built so they have been staying in our shed which is 10 x 14 and works nice for them right now but there is only 1 window and a big door that can be opened. No attached run and no other ventilation. How susceptible are turkeys to frostbite? There's also no attached run. I always just let them free range all day. Will they go out in the snow? I know my chickens won't lol
No clue on any of that as this is my first winter with turkeys.....actually my first winter with birds of any kind. I'd assume they will go out in the snow as wild turkeys kinda have to.
I don't think TSC puts much effort into training their staff about chickens. I like the people at my local TSC, but I would no sooner solicit advice about farming from them than I would ask them for health care advice.

It can be a painful experience, but you now know a lot more about chickens than you did then. It would make me feel a bit better to know their death was nothing I did, and that they lived out their natural lives entirely in a pleasant setting. Their fate in a broiler house would have been far, far worse.
Oh, our rocks were a spoiled bunch of brats. They had the best grain, corn, and their favorite, yogurt mixed with oats and raisins. So, yes, they had good (if brief) lives. Wonderful temperaments too. We've had chickens in the past, mostly Production Reds, Buff Orpingtons, and some Easter Eggers, but the rocks were, by far, the sweetest birds we have ever owned. I would love to own some more one day when I'm not so gun shy--and also when I don't have quite so many. With the 4 RIR, the 1 RIW roo, 2 Barred, and 24 Australorps, I think I'm going to be full up for a while.

Second Australorp is out. We've never had these guys before, but they seem to have incredibly sweet expressions. Barred rocks, on the other hand, always look ****** off and ready for a fight.

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