Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

For those of you that use mobile devices to access BYC. Is there an easy way to post pictures from them? I use my samsung phone all the time but have a really hard time posting any pics from it.
I use a Samsung tablet and it's hit or miss most times. Especially when trying to put up decent sized pictures using desktop mode. I find Internet browser works better than chrome
This is T-Bone and Cleo my Sweetgrass pair. I had to play turkey noises off of Youtube to get T-Bone to co-operate.
I love the look of the Sweetgrass turkeys!
How do you keep them in that pen, are their wings clipped? Mine would be over that fence in a minute.
No there wings aren't clipped. The fence actually has a "roof" (it's actually just chicken wire) going from the top of it and is attached to there coop so they can't fly out. Although I made sure that the outside fence was tall enough for me to walk around the entire coop and fenced run so I wasn't crawling through turkey turds every time I went in to see them.
Chaos. I use my cell. Chrome. It is simple. When you go to reply there is a row of icons at the top of the message area. Click on the one that has a dot and mountains (use your imagination, it's an icon). A screen will pop up with embed an image, then you click on upload from my device. It will let you choose where to get the picture from. My pictures are under gallery. Choose the one you want and click submit. Done.
Moved a couple pallets out of the way today to roll the log splitter in to place and found another hidden nest again smh. There were only 6 eggs in this one instead of 15 thankfully but these girls drive me crazy! There were at least 3 culprits involved with this one but I'm not sure who. Makes me wonder if there are any nests in my neighbor's bushes or under my other neighbor's porch. And I thought we were doing good with 10 eggs a day!
Just wondering, what my chances are of getting eggs from my girls before the spring. I have 4 hens barred plymouth rock, easter egger, golden laced wyandotte and a red star, they are 12 weeks old. They will come of egg laying age in December/ January. Any thoughts? Thanks
Just wondering, what my chances are of getting eggs from my girls before the spring.  I have 4 hens barred plymouth rock, easter egger, golden laced wyandotte and a red star, they are 12 weeks old.  They will come of egg laying age in December/ January. Any thoughts? Thanks

Mine always began when they were of age. October through February. Winter/lack of light (no artificial light!) had no effect.
Just wondering, what my chances are of getting eggs from my girls before the spring. I have 4 hens barred plymouth rock, easter egger, golden laced wyandotte and a red star, they are 12 weeks old. They will come of egg laying age in December/ January. Any thoughts? Thanks

Maybe. It's anyone's guess. I've had pullets lay right on schedule, usually in the five to six month range in November, December and February. But then I have one 8.5 month old who hasn't laid yet and three hatched in May who should have started in October, maybe beginning of November and nothing from any of them yet. I've also had some wait until February when the days start to get longer and they didn't start until over eight months so you never know.
Thanks for the input
I'll keep my fingers crossed.

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