Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

My "logical" brain said that there was a good explanation. Everything was alright, and I would solve the mystery.
18 chicks. Gone! They were a few days shy of six weeks. Too big and too many to be taken away by a weasel. Even in the dark, I could see well enough to know they weren't on the roost, or under it. Not in one of the chickens' nestboxes... Where are those chicks?!?!
I Finally put my hand into the duck nest box. Why are the ducks so upset this morning, anyway?
No egg that I could find. I was pushing chicks left and right, pulling a few out (I held one. Ohhhhhh, she was so soft!:love ). Maybe the duck didn't lay.

The heat lamp is now unplugged. It is obviously not needed.

Aaahh duck chicken mama!
Pretty much! The ducks get along with the chickens just fine, but always let them know who is boss. They must have had some kind of gentle feelings towards the babies.
I assume that the adults realized that they could get to the chicks, or the chicks were trying to roost with them.
I had been waiting until this cold snap ended in a day or two before removing the wall and heat lamp. The chicks' pen is in the direct path of the pop door and wind. Otherwise, I would have removed the wall and lamp several days ago.
I might add a roost in the duck pen for the chicks. Then again, they need to be on the roost with the other chickens.
Good Afternoon everyone I hope everyone had a great day. I wanted to share a pic of one of our SLW chicks sitting with my girlfriend

That's so cute! She's hooked now!

Good morning everyone. My little turkey poult is about almost 3 months old. He (?) always triesto roost outside of the night. I usually finally him on top of the coop. Last night he was perched on the phone wires! We had to judge him off with a long stick. Do those of you with turkeys keep them separate? I though they could all bunk together at least until the poult is a little older. If this continues, I'll just let him sleep outside when it's warmer out.
@dheltzel , are we still good for the Easter chicks I wanted? I wasn't sure when you were hatching and haven't been online too much lately. If you'll have them for Tuesday pick up, I'd like 2 each of black sexlinks, welsummers, and that accidental green egg layer mix we had talked about (if you hatched more of this mix and want to unload them, I'll take more but only if you don't want them - my coop is getting FULL).
The Pennsylvania Blacks are great! OK, mine is brown, but still. Every time I stretch my arm and call her "Brownie, come!" She fly to me immediately. She can directly fly to my should now when I sit by the brooder. The "accidental green egg layer" is also my big cuddler. She wouldn't ask for cuddling as much as Brownie does, but if I get her, she likes to cuddle with me for a long time.
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I've got all those earmarked for you from last week's hatch. According to my notes there are 3 of the Olive egg "legbars" in their bin, but honestly occasionally a chick slips through the cracks in my otherwise perfect record keeping system.

I also have about 300 eggs going into lockdown tonight for hatching this weekend, if you'd prefer younger ones.

Younger would probably be better since they will be grouped with about 12 other chicks that are hatching this weekend (delivery on Monday or Tuesday for hubs to pickup while we're out of town).
Anyone have any info on how to become NPIP certified in PA? I found a page with info before and emailed someone but never got a response. Now I can't even find that page again. I'm finding all kinds of stuff for every other state
Auro, I can give you a rough Idea, there are two classes you need to take....the second would involve drawing blood from a chook....then somebody from PA AG would visit you farm and verify you have met certain standards for housing, bio-security etc,.....from what I gather, one of the downsides is you need to close your limited understanding
the other way to tell the sex of a chick it to wait and see who leaves the toilet seat up????


Auro, I can give you a rough Idea, there are two classes you need to take....the second would involve drawing blood from a chook....then somebody from PA AG would visit you farm and verify you have met certain standards for housing, bio-security etc,.....from what I gather, one of the downsides is you need to close your limited understanding
This is my general understanding also...since I free range in the woods and power line behind our place I never pursued it further... I believe Blarney has more info on it.

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