Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

   Well with chickens and chicken manure to put on the gardening area you should really be able to get something to grow in a few years. We use almost all our chicken and goat manure on our gardens and have no problem growing things, especially weeds it seems. Some years ago I had moved to a property with extremely poor soil. Even some varieties of weeds that thrive on poor soil really struggled to stay alive on it. After 2 years of chicken manure we started getting some very good crops. By three years we were able to grow anything we wanted.

  You served duck to a Duckling? How dare you to do such a thing? What if....what if.....what if.....what if...... you hurt the ducks feelings  Never mind baked duck doesn't have feelings.

  Nice addition.

:lau I did! And she thought it was great!
I got some crumble for meat birds today. wanted pellets but they didn't have any. But it is slightly higher in protein. Figures that the supposed meat bird we hatched last year is a great layer (only one of the 12 New Hampshire eggs to hatch) and the Marans I wanted for the dark egg and her two brothers will probably be stew. I like them, they are pretty birds, but, no. Just no. If I need babies, I am sure you enablers will enable. I do want dark eggs, though. And green. And bright blue.
So, anybody ever have a problem with a groundhog trying to get at their chickens?

Because I sure had an interesting experience today, when a groundhog repeatedly ran at my coops, trying to get at the girls through the wire. Then when I thought I'd just startle it off, the little monster ran at me, and chased me clear across the (2 acre) yard. My brother came running with a shovel and gave it a good bink on the head when it charged after him instead, and it staggered off. Didn't think groundhogs were generally all that aggressive, or into chicken.
So, anybody ever have a problem with a groundhog trying to get at their chickens?

Because I sure had an interesting experience today, when a groundhog repeatedly ran at my coops, trying to get at the girls through the wire. Then when I thought I'd just startle it off, the little monster ran at me, and chased me clear across the (2 acre) yard. My brother came running with a shovel and gave it a good bink on the head when it charged after him instead, and it staggered off. Didn't think groundhogs were generally all that aggressive, or into chicken.

Maybe it was rabid? We had one in the yard last year and the chickens surrounded it but it didn't do anything. We chased it off but it only lunged at the stick we were using to chase it once or twice after we chased it so far then that was it.
Seems possible, it wasn't foaming at the mouth or turning in circles, but chasing people more than a few feet just doesn't seem normal for a groundhog. Tried calling animal control but there was no answer - probably closed for the weekend. Fingers crossed that it minds its own business until Monday.
Maybe it was rabid? We had one in the yard last year and the chickens surrounded it but it didn't do anything. We chased it off but it only lunged at the stick we were using to chase it once or twice after we chased it so far then that was it.
been quite a few reports of rabies lately on the news...i can not remember where exactly..i had posted before..sorry.
Ground hogs are not generally aggressive, but they will defend themselves.
I am in agreement with you, most likely sick or even rabies..let's hope not!!

Seems possible, it wasn't foaming at the mouth or turning in circles, but chasing people more than a few feet just doesn't seem normal for a groundhog. Tried calling animal control but there was no answer - probably closed for the weekend. Fingers crossed that it minds its own business until Monday.
Please be careful..even the saliva is not something to take is not "normal" for ground hogs to go after other animals, especially when not provoked.
Have you tried game commission?...they are able to handle things of this nature also.
Be safe & good luck!! Let us know how you make out with this if you are able...thank you!
It seems too late in the season for babies, and I can't think of any other reason for one to be so aggressive except illness.

Oh we're definitely taking extra care now, the chickies are safe in their coops, and we've been going out in pairs and carrying a shovel when we take the dogs out. They only ever go out on leashes anyhow, but better with two people and a shovel, since they would not be okay with getting threatened by a goundhog. Ah man, I should have thought of the Game Commission! Will try calling them too and see what they say.
She hatched from an egg Dennis gave me. So, since he does not do Marans anymore, I'm thinking he had the same issue. Oh well.
I fed the parents 22% protein pellets and they still were exceedingly poor layers. I kept them an extra year because so many people wanted them, but decided this year I was doing anyone any favors by making them more available, so I sold the whole pen.
Well with chickens and chicken manure to put on the gardening area you should really be able to get something to grow in a few years. We use almost all our chicken and goat manure on our gardens and have no problem growing things, especially weeds it seems. Some years ago I had moved to a property with extremely poor soil. Even some varieties of weeds that thrive on poor soil really struggled to stay alive on it. After 2 years of chicken manure we started getting some very good crops. By three years we were able to grow anything we wanted.

You served duck to a Duckling? How dare you to do such a thing? What if....what if.....what if.....what if...... you hurt the ducks feelings Never mind baked duck doesn't have feelings.

Nice addition.
thank you...the rocks are using it to their fullest advantage. I watched them use the structure to avoid and escape being picked on multiple times today. It is funny, they are the only one I have seen on the top of that thing...maybe the other girls are "too mature" to play on it
...just happy it is giving them a "base" in which to hide.
really nice with the barring I bet! Are yellow legs a "standard"?....i need to read more...first have to find the time.
Welsummers are supposed to have yellow legs, so IMO, Welbars should too. a Welbar is really just a Crele Welsummer, so yellow legs are the standard for them to, if there were a standard . . .

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