Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Lol.NOT 60 more. We tried to give her a friend and she beat the poor little thing up! My neighbor brought over one of her little Bantam hens and put in with her. She apparently likes being alone.
I didn't get anywhere near as much done as i wanted to tonight but i did get some witch hats made and some spider chocolate chip cookies :) I'm going to mix up the dough for the sugar cookies then throwing it in the fridge. Calling it a night after that!



Uh oh. Convert? I'm an Orpington girl at heart. You know that.

Here's a question... Do any of you feed whole corn to your birds? My son bought a bag of whole corn by accident, he was following a meat bird diet that he learned about at a Poultry Conference last year and I believe the diet called for cracked corn added in at some point. Anyway, we've got a 50 lb bag of whole corn in the basement. I've been toying with the idea of handing it over to the grandsons with a hammer and lettin them have at it. Feeding the crushed corn to the birds because I'm worried whole corn could get stuck in their I being over anxious?

I've taken about 8 lbs of it and am soaking it in the Whey left over from this week's cheese. Thinking I could soften it up a bit and then feed it to the turkeys.

My chickens go whole corn all the time we have a feild about a minute away walking distance and I go pick up what corn is laying on the ground after they cut the field. They are fine and my turkeys eat grapes while I think the corn would be fine for them. Good luck
I want to start feeding whole kernel corn instead of cracked, I have been reading about feed recently a recommendation was to keep whole grains in a separate feeder to allow the birds to have free choice and trust the birds to get the amount of protein and calories they really need. Here is the link that got me thinking:
(warning, I've already "wasted" a lot of time on that site, it's got a lot of interesting ideas)

My birds are limited on how much they get daily they eat two meals a day a bigger meal in the morning and then at night they get a smaller meal. But they get to free range and get egg shells or bread as treats and get table scraps. But I let them out by pen so if I let the silkies out then I put them in and then let the mixed flock out and so forth.
I accidentally bought a bag of whole corn, and have been giving it in small quantities to the flock for treats, since I've been nervous about it too. I've been giving about 2 cups per 11 chickens every other day, and I haven't had a problem so far...
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Hi @AnneInTheBurbs
, other than Halloween activities, this is a big weekend for our chickens that we've been building up to for a while. All chickens will go into the same coop in a "look but don't touch" segregation situation. The 4 older ones have the run and coop, with a section separated by chicken wire for the 3 younger ones. There's been a lot to learn since taking on these 3 and brooding/quarantining them. Really glad we did it because overcoming some of the obstacles has us better prepared for the future.

No doubt Winter will hold a number of challenges too :-o

In they go!

Lol.NOT 60 more. We tried to give her a friend and she beat the poor little thing up! My neighbor brought over one of her little Bantam hens and put in with her. She apparently likes being alone.

not really.....could just be setting the pecking order.....also, try putting them in close proximity without direct contact to let them get used to eachother...chooks are flock animals and are not supposed to be two cents,....
not really.....could just be setting the pecking order.....also, try putting them in close proximity without direct contact to let them get used to eachother...chooks are flock animals and are not supposed to be two cents,....

I agree with this. I put my new girls behind two rows of chicken wire to quarantine, then one row to visit.After that I try to introduce (IE put in the coop after dark). If the head hens are still being bratty,I alternate putting the top hen and the low hen in a large dog cage in the run. It isn't so different from introducing a new cat in your house hold--(we just got a rescue and luckily she loves everyone. Our last rescue took a long time to fit in.)

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