Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Tonight my wife took out family dog to be put to sleep. He was 14 and has been mostly blind and deaf for a while now, but went downhill very quickly the last few days. We adopted him at age 10 and gave him 4 excellent years. Gonna miss the little guy :hit

I'm so sorry you lost him :( it's so hard to lose a beloved pet :(
Thanks. Yes, the Mama screaming is the worst. Today, when the poult was taken away in the couple's car, the Mama was calling to it and trying to follow the car. She called for the baby for about 10-15 minutes and then gave up or forgot.

My neighbor hung a bell on the cat, yay! I heard it as it ran away today. I hope that will be enough. I could put a little fence up to make sure my girls stay on my property, but cats will go anywhere. Especially if it is an outdoor cat, like this one.
Thanks. That's great your meaties are acting like chickens. What kind did you get? I am getting some "colored slow grow broilers". Hoping they will do well free ranging. What a strange bunch I will have soon. I will have midget white turkey poults, bantam Langshans, and colored meat chicks. I will be able to tell them apart for sure!
Thankfully, the nieghbor put a bell on the cat. Unfortunately, my neighbor is in a wheelchair, so I can usually only communicate by texts or calls.
I can't help you out here with the turner, but I would recommend you not post your phone number on the forum. It is public, and someone could use it for nefarious purposes. :hugs
So sorry you had to lose him. Sounds like you took good care of him for the years you enjoyed him. :hugs

It's great your neighbor put a bell on the cat! It should help. I'm sure your birds will learn exactly what it means when they hear it.

They're just regular CX meaties from TSC. The ones that I sick home a few weeks ago lol. They're getting big but growing a bit slower since I've been restricting their food. They get a big bowl in the morning which they of out on (they don't finish it though) then I move them out to the tractor in the grass for a few hours of forage and play time. They don't get the food dish out there. Then, they come back in, in the evening and finish off what's left in the bowl. They're quite happy little things but they may be moving outside permanently here soon. I need that brooder for my other babies lol.
Shout out for a little help.

I am in need of an automatic egg turner. I've got the new cabinet incubator it didn't come with a turner . I have one here someplace and we cannot find it anywhere . Please, does anybody within driving distance of Ligonier Pennsylvania 15658 have an automatic egg turner they're not using that they could loan me for 3 weeks ? like one of those yellow ones they sell Tractor Supply or something . the trays in the cabinet are 22 1/2 deep by 15 wide , if that helps.

if anybody can help me out please give me a holler my phone is 724 205-4104 or 724 420-1358 . either one will do the second one's my phone, the first ones my husband. Thanks so much for reading and any help you can give.
Thanks ,

Hey Karen, not close enough to help (and all of my turners are currently full). I'm sure you know this but, you could turn them by hand if you need to. Dennis was saying that he doesn't worry about the turning the whole last week, which would make it a little easier for you.

Tonight my wife took out family dog to be put to sleep. He was 14 and has been mostly blind and deaf for a while now, but went downhill very quickly the last few days. We adopted him at age 10 and gave him 4 excellent years. Gonna miss the little guy :hit

I am so sorry. Sounds like you gave him a few years of love that he wouldn't have had otherwise.
Tonight my wife took out family dog to be put to sleep. He was 14 and has been mostly blind and deaf for a while now, but went downhill very quickly the last few days. We adopted him at age 10 and gave him 4 excellent years. Gonna miss the little guy
I'm so sorry you lost him
it's so hard to lose a beloved pet
TY. I get sad whenever I remember him "prancing" around the house, swishing his tail, and acting like he owned the place. Sadly, he hasn't done that for quite a while, He deteriorated slowly, going blind and deaf and finally bumping into things for the past few weeks. He was 10 when we adopted him and we knew his days were numbered, but I like to think his best days were ahead of him then and I know he thoroughly enjoyed his life at our house. My wife was his primary care giver and this has hit her the hardest. She also cares for 2 of our aging parents and I think we both are transferring some of this from fears about our parents aging and dying. It is so hard to make decisions about a dog you've only known for 4 years.
Lucy was a terrier mutt adopted at 11. She blended into the pack nicely, and went hiking all the time. She had been raised by an older couple, and hiking was new to her. She thrived on those hikes, and even liked the water part. There is nothing better than adopting an older animal, and giving it the best life we can.
PSA! Adopt an older child!
That makes it a bit better, knowing we gave him the best life we could in his "twilight years", after his previous owners were not able to.

I give you and your wife great credit for adopting an older dog, that is a very intense and often difficult situation...and it sounds as if it worked out great for everyone. I understand the pain, especially when compounded by the emotions about your parents. Remember him as the tail wagging happy guy who you got to know and take comfort in the amount of time he got to enjoy such a happy 'second life'.

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