Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Hey guys can anyone tell me what breed this is? I got 25 of them and he thought RIR but they seem really light.

And my naked neck!! It has feathered feet. Is that normal or no. He said they were mystery eggs so very likely a mix
The top two look like my pullets, which are Red Star hens. They are a cross btwn those island red and 'whatever'. I don't know the dark one, but if it has feathers on its feet, it's probably a Silky...couldn't tell u which kind. Lol hers a pick of my pullets at 2 weeks, and now at 5 weeks
Quote: Welcome!

Hey guys can anyone tell me what breed this is? I got 25 of them and he thought RIR but they seem really light.

And my naked neck!! It has feathered feet. Is that normal or no. He said they were mystery eggs so very likely a mix

Let's wait 4 months and then we can take a guess...

Sorry I have no idea about the top one, the bottom one looks like it is a Turken.
Had a banner day yesterday--a dozen eggs from a dozen hens! That means even my 8 year old grande dame, Chamomile, laid. After the first soft shell egg of the season that apparently made her feel so awful, she has laid several more eggs, but she hasn't seemed sick again. She has laid a few perfect hard shelled eggs like the one in the pic below (2nd row, far left), and a couple times I have found a bit of a yolky mess in the nest box after she was in there--I assume in those cases she may have laid a soft egg and squished or ate it. She has the same diet as everyone else (layer feed, plus daily treats and a bit of free ranging), and I hesitate to add more calcium because none of the others have soft shells, and in fact one of the white layers always has extra calcium deposits on the top of the egg.


One dozen:

In other coop news, I caught these two on the trail cam last night, strolling by the coop only minutes apart. I'm glad we did all that extra predator proofing last year!!

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Hey guys can anyone tell me what breed this is? I got 25 of them and he thought RIR but they seem really light.

And my naked neck!! It has feathered feet. Is that normal or no. He said they were mystery eggs so very likely a mix
Those do look really pale to be RIR. They look like they might mature to more of a buff or other light color. I would hope they're not Red Stars, because I think in those, the females are hatched more golden, and the males are very pale like that.

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