Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Quote: Thanks, she is one of @dheltzel s Wellbars or Legbars. I forgot which!

I learned something new today...A fight between a broody duck and a broody hen who both want the same nest is not pretty. Ana and Ebony are both getting serious about brooding and up until now how been either sorting together in the nest or taking turns on it. Well this morning they both decoded that they wanted it for themselves and were fighting over it. Sky jumped in for a lorie tag team action to help Ana out but there was no clear winner. Both ended up kicking duck fluff up everywhere and tumbling out. We'll see who's in it later. Nobody looked hurt though.

LOL. Those girls can be nasty. Thankfully, my 4 broodies have been cooperative with nest hopping and sharing.
Anyone close to Pottstown interested in some ducklings? My advance sale for this past week got postponed, so I have 10 extra Welsh Harlequin duckling, really cheap (or cheep, as the case may be). I'm expecting a shipment of chicks from Sandhill on Wednesday and am hoping to clear out a brooder before then. They are soooo cute too, you would really like them, even your spouse or SO will be taken with these little cuties.

I know you're not talking to me...
Love that sprinkles!! Such a cutie!  Any chance one of the eggs you sent me will be a sprinkles? :fl   Also love the broody shots.   Ana looks very pleased with herself.   Here are my broody room mates this morning.  Like Yin and Yang...
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Love that sprinkles!! Such a cutie!  Any chance one of the eggs you sent me will be a sprinkles? :fl   Also love the broody shots.   Ana looks very pleased with herself.   Here are my broody room mates this morning.  Like Yin and Yang...

There's always a chance but out of all the poults I've hatched this year, Sprinkles is the ONLY one that's hatched that has been a unique color. I hope you get one just like him though!
Can anyone tell me what this might be from? Is it molting? Is it chickens fighting? I thought molting, but I also read egg production should drop during molting and my girls are still putting them out everyday. I just want them to be healthy. So any input will help. Thanks!



Thanks, she is one of @dheltzel s Wellbars or Legbars. I forgot which!

LOL. Those girls can be nasty. Thankfully, my 4 broodies have been cooperative with nest hopping and sharing.

I know you're not talking to me...
Definitely the Welbar as the broody.
I really wasn't thinking of you, but it is interesting that you identified so strongly with that. I predict ducks at your place by sometime in 2018. Maybe start with bantam ducks.
We got our first double yolk today. Look at the size of that thing!!


I keep imagining that is a full sized paper towel.. :eek:

Can anyone tell me what this might be from? Is it molting? Is it chickens fighting? I thought molting, but I also read egg production should drop during molting and my girls are still putting them out everyday. I just want them to be healthy. So any input will help. Thanks!




i thought the last pic looked like typical Feather loss from over breeding, but the loss of feathers along the side of the neck makes me think maybe you have a 'feather picker', or possibly a combination of the two.
I keep imagining that is a full sized paper towel.. :eek:
i thought the last pic looked like typical Feather loss from over breeding, but the loss of feathers along the side of the neck makes me think maybe you have a 'feather picker', or possibly a combination of the two.

We no longer have a rooster as he was getting aggressive. He really became aggressive with the black one with the most feathers missing. She didn't look like that then. Just a few missing from the back of her head. We got rid of him over a month ago. What do you dongle a feather plucker? Is it typically just one or will they all do it. I thought molting because several of my Eggers are like this and a couple of randoms. We have 27 hens. Could it be a dominance thing between the hens?
I keep imagining that is a full sized paper towel.. :eek:
i thought the last pic looked like typical Feather loss from over breeding, but the loss of feathers along the side of the neck makes me think maybe you have a 'feather picker', or possibly a combination of the two.

We no longer have a rooster as he was getting aggressive. He really became aggressive with the black one with the most feathers missing. She didn't look like that then. Just a few missing from the back of her head. We got rid of him over a month ago. What do you dongle a feather plucker? Is it typically just one or will they all do it. I thought molting because several of my Eggers are like this and a couple of randoms. We have 27 hens. Could it be a dominance thing between the hens?

I haven't had a feather picker here before. 2 of my neighbors have, they tried boosting protein and that didn't work, they each bought the 'chicken peepers' and that seemed to do the trick. It's usually one specific bird doing the damage but I believe the others follow along (kind of like an egg eater).

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