Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I don't think any of us has Australorps, but if you know someone that has a spare hen, please let me know. I got permission to repost this from Nextdoor Kennett Square.
"Regarding my previous post, it looks like our lovely chicken is not going to survive, she is lethargic and appears to have ovarian cancer and the vet recommends euthanasia💔. She is my sons and he loves her with all his heart, picked her out from Ace two years, and dotes on her like a puppy. I know this is a long shot and I’m sure I will be criticized harshly, but if anyone has Australorp hens (or knows where I can get one) and would like to sell me one I would like to attempt to save him this heartache. He has medical issues himself and has a long road ahead of him and if I could save him even a little heartache on the chance he didn’t notice a swap it would be worth the try."
I can’t roll out a pie crust without doing it between paper. I make a mess getting it into the pan. They make pie crust bags, and I finally bought two sizes. I knew it would be good for Duckling too. She used one today.
The pizza dough didn’t stick, she knew how big to roll it, and I didn’t have to clean the counter, floor and rolling pin. It saves on buying paper too!
Sad day today. Rory, age 4 just up and died. She hadn't been laying for a while but they do that. I'm not going to do an autopsy or anything, I figure if you have live stock, you have dead stock. Everyone else seems alert and feisty. I'm getting 2-3 eggs a day from the remaining 4 that do lay - Cate, my Marans, hasn't laid in a long long time but she never was a prolific layer and her shells were always super fragile. Mabel is the only one remaining from the original store bought. Jaebels is the only one "bred" here on the property. Laverne, Shirley, and Clyde are the Ameracaunas from Dennis. I need need NEED to get to the hardware/lumber/Lowes store to get supplies to expand the run, now that I can go out again. Dennis, do you do large breed or only bantam now?
Yes, I have lots of chicks still hatching. Black Copper Marans, Welbars, Olive Eggers, Cream Legbars, even some Ameraucanas. I am "cherry picking" some to keep for next year's breeders, but many hatch each week that I don't want to keep.

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