Perch Question


The steps to the right were the original roosts. I narrowed them and used for steps. They all squeezed onto the top roost so I simplified things.
Thank You Everyone for all your responses you all had great ideas and the pictures helped..
..What about the pecking order that chickens have is it not important to put the roosts at different levels..are they just as happy with just 1 or 2 roosts at the same level??
With two roosts everyone squeezed on the top roost. There wasn't enough room and had hens roosting in the studs of the walls.
Thank You Everyone for all your responses you all had great ideas and the pictures helped..
..What about the pecking order that chickens have is it not important to put the roosts at different levels..are they just as happy with just 1 or 2 roosts at the same level??

My coop's roosts are all at the same level. But there seems to be a VIP area that only the top hens use. They will violently run off any of the lower on the rung birds. But other than that, roost bars on the same level work out fine. Like others have done, the roost bars are easily removable for cleaning.

Thank You JackE..Happy to have gotten the confusion out of my head <LOL..Could you tell me how many inches in between your roosts you have..would 10-12 inches be ok ??
Newbie with related newbie questions.
1) I thought I read somewhere the perch was supposed to be rounded to help "prevent foot problems"?

2) How much distance from roof of coop to perch should be allowed? (Full size hens).

Coop is 99% done. Waiting to install perch and wire fencing.... and chicks to grow.
Thank You JackE..Happy to have gotten the confusion out of my head <LOL..Could you tell me how many inches in between your roosts you have..would 10-12 inches be ok ??

My roosts are spaced on 18"centers. I have room, so I spread them out a bit. If you are going with your roosts on the same level, 12" ought to be good. If you go with the ladder arraignment, I would space further than 12", so the birds on the next lower tiers, don't get 'Dumped' on.
Newbie with related newbie questions.
1) I thought I read somewhere the perch was supposed to be rounded to help "prevent foot problems"?

2) How much distance from roof of coop to perch should be allowed? (Full size hens).

Coop is 99% done. Waiting to install perch and wire fencing.... and chicks to grow.

If you use 2X4"s, it is a good idea to round off the top corners of the board. It's a comfort thing, taking away the sharp edge. As far as height above the roosts. I'd go with at least 20". I sure others have gone with less, but that's what I would do, 20"minimum.
Newbie with related newbie questions.
1) I thought I read somewhere the perch was supposed to be rounded to help "prevent foot problems"?

2) How much distance from roof of coop to perch should be allowed? (Full size hens).

Coop is 99% done. Waiting to install perch and wire fencing.... and chicks to grow.

I just took a sander to the edges of 2 x 3's to round the edges a bit. I've seen arguments both ways for perches - some people say round perches (like branches) are better for a more natural perch, others say flat it better for their feet. The only "rules" that seem really important are that if you're using lumber make sure to sand to remove any splinters, and that if you're in an area where frostbite is a concern then wider perches are better (so their bodies cover their toes). Other than that, it seems to be personal preference, so I'd say do what works for you.

At one point my perches were 12 inches from the ceiling (think I read that somewhere), but it wasn't enough space. So I moved them down to about 18 inches from the ceiling. My girls seem to like it better because they are able to stand & stretch without hitting their heads.

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