perches and nesting boxes


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
Just wanting some advice please on if I should have the nesting boxes in the same room as the perches or make them separate?
I have everything in the coop, one room, no dividers. Roosts in the back, nestboxes just and front of them(Of course, the nestboxes are lower than the roosts). Then feed and water hanging forward of the nestboxes, with a 40gal galvanized garbage can for feed storage.
I have the same idea - I want to have two separate rooms: One for perching and one for nesting - 3 meters apart. But I am not sure, if the chickens would like the idea - any thoughts? :)
I think they prefer anywhere that offers the most privacy…separate sleep/roost area from nests is not a bad idea. They may actually prefer it.
My coop is used for sleeping and egg laying only. The rest of the time they are outside. They seem to have no problem with this arrangement.
Seems to me 95% of folks on BYC have the roosting facilities and nest boxes in the same area.
I made these for free as far as nestin boxes go

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