Perfect Button Quail/ Coturnix toy.... a string.


Coturnix Obsessed
11 Years
Jul 18, 2008
Indiana, Pennsylvania
Seriously... tie a string to the top of your cage and let it hang about a half an inch below your birds beaks height and observe
they are halarious and spend HOURS trying to eat the string... as long as you tie the string tight so it's not going anywhere they wont be sucessful at what they are attempting. Think of it like how a dog chews on a bone... the action is an eating action however they arent' really eating anything just chewing.. it's so cute I thought about making a video of it but im sure ya'll can find a string to do this with and see for yourself lol!!!! My string that was used happened by accident. Unflavored floss got wrapped around this old carrying cage of mine..well I had to move birdsa round so for temporary issues a few buttons and coturnix (and two cochins) are in this cage and they just go after that string like it's the best thing ever...

So there...all you guys asking about toys or mential stimulation for your birds... a string...
I still wanna see a video Niki, I subscribed to your youtube channel and am awaiting my email to ding me that you have another
Just be sure that the string is big enough that they can't eat it. My friend that hatched my babies for me this last time had a piece of cloth in the bottom of the brooder. Of course the cloth was cut, and one end was starting to fray (sp?) I found several of the babies with string coming out of their mouths!! Some were ones that I brought home with me, and I have only lost one. So I don't think they ate enough to hurt them. Now I don't know about the ones she kept, some of them had been eating it, and they were still on the cloth when I left.
Mine did that on a frayed towel too i didnt notice it until they had the thing in shambles that I hurried up and moved away if anyone ate any they sure are doing fine
I had one eat one of my hairs once!!! My hair is over 2 ft long... sooo i felt pretty bad for the poor thing by the time i saw it only 4 inches were still hanging out of it's beak...I tried ti pull but it was littearlly INside of the bird... so i just cut it at the beak and hoped for the best...well it's a live and dandy outside weeks later

BTW in the oringal post I said about tieing the string tight (and only a bit below the birds beak) so they can't swallow it.
Or you could put just about anything on the top of the cage, or stick your nose close to the top, lol. Just watch if you peep with your nose, they can get you through some cage bars, lol.

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