Jul 30, 2021
I was planning to give my broody hen some eggs tomorrow, because the hatch date would coincide with the date that the nearby co-op get chicks (I want to add some new breeds to my flock), but I have had two hens die in the last week. I think it was caused, or at least worsened, by a mite problem we have. If I dust/spray (I have both powder and liquid form) the coop today, will it be safe for the hen and her eggs tomorrow? I have done a little research and there seems to be conflicting information about the safety of this product. I read one thing where they found the permethrin in the yolk 20 days after applying or something. I don't want to hatch them while there is a mite problem, but I also don't want to harm them with harsh chemicals. Will this be safe for developing chicks??
I highly recommend focusing on getting rid of your mite problem before you go about setting eggs...mites can and will kill a broody in no time.
Yeah, I have been putting loads of diatamacious earth in the coops, but I don't know how well it has been working. I wouldn't want the hen or her chicks to go through that.
There's a dust ... Garden & Poultry Dust at TSC, it contains permethrin.
Don't know how many birds you got, the spray is easier if you got alot since you can spray the chickens, nests & whole coop. I dust my girls & CH monthly ... periodically spray or dust the perimeter of their CH.
There's a dust ... Garden & Poultry Dust at TSC, it contains permethrin.
Don't know how many birds you got, the spray is easier if you got alot since you can spray the chickens, nests & whole coop. I dust my girls & CH monthly ... periodically spray or dust the perimeter of their CH.
Ok good to know. I do have that dust, as well as a liquid with the brand name Permectrin II.
You could treat the coop/nest with the spray & dust the chickens but you need to respray/treat again as the mite eggs will hatch and start all over again. Think retreat was about 10days, and continue for at least a month to make sure .... THEN do your hatching and chicks.

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