

Oct 2, 2021
Rapid City, SD
Hello, all
I have 4 mystery bantam chicks that I found in my run the beginning of August. Yes, found. They actually snuck in through the links in the fence. They've been growing well & are part of the flock now.
I noticed one of the hens was limping & favoring her left leg. I asked the Google machine & it seems to be the collective answer was perosis. I bandaged the hock with coban & put her in a sling. I think I did it right, but she's trembling a bit. I had read in another post that for some chickens that is a pain indicator & I just wanted to ask the hive mind if this setup looks correct, or if I could be straining her somehow by doing it wrong.
Thanks in advance!


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I am not an expert, but if there is a leg bone deformity in either leg, those are not treatable. They won’t get better with any treatment, but the chicks can sometimes get around well enough to survive. Those include varus and valgus deformity and twisted tibia. Slipped tendons which can be seen at hatch are very seldom helped, although some may try splinting. It helps to see what the legs look like from the front at eye level, and whether only one leg or both are affected. Here is some reading about leg bone deformities:

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