Persuading Mom to get Chickens


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 27, 2013
The title basically says it all. I want some chickens! :D I would have to look up some ordinances an stuff, build a coop, and get the chicks but I feel like I could do it! My grandpa could help with the coop, and I can get the chicks from TSC. I can also use the chicks and the coop as two different 4-H projects. If you guys have any ways to help me persuade my mom to get some chickens, it would be much appreciated. Thanks! :)
promise her farm fresh eggs every day
Keep learning about raising chickens-read at least one book, as well as websites like this one. Visit another 4H'er who has chickens, to see first-hand what you will need, and how much space it will require. Make a list of supplies needed, with their costs. Write up a pro-con list. Decide how much money of your own you can contribute and how much you might need from your mom. Then ask your mom to sit down with you and show her all your info. Perhaps you could sell eggs to pay off any money you may have borrowed from her. Moms are very impressed with a well-researched argument, and a history of acting responsibly. Good luck!
Wow. That's a great start! Thanks! Before I get any animal, I write a 1,000 word essay, but if I know she won't budge, I will go with a 2,000 word essay. These chickens might need a 3,000 word essay though...
Is that all? Anyone have other things to watch out for? I will be starting the essay today.

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