Pet Ducks Dumped in Neighborhood Pond, Help?

Free range or backyard/pen?

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Thank you @Cayuga momma, for the all of the tips!

What brand of flock crumbles do you use?

Would this type of flock crumbles work, or are they only for young ducklings?

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Hopefully you can see the ingredients pretty okay, I notice it does have yeast, and a b-12 supplements but I'm not sure if that is enough for grown ducks.

Next time we go to the feed store, I will take pictures of some of the poultry brands that are available. Perhaps BYC can help us pick out a better duck food brand for them?

We do have a country mart and price chopper, I'm sure one of those will have brewers yeast and nutritional yeast if not, I will get it online.

Is it easy to find oyster shells in your common grocery stores?

Sounds good, we will start a duck first aid kit here soon.
That is what we use and now that we are getting eggs, they get oyster shell on the side
Cheap pool (Winter) alternative: cement mixing tray!

Go to your favorite big store like Lowes or Home Depot and go to the concrete aisle. Those rectangle mixing trays/pans are great for water! I have seen two sizes: small one around $12 and bigger (and more boxy, you will see) around $20.

Those trays are easier to upend than a round kiddie pool. Also, the plastic is heavier. The ones I have bought at Lowe’s are Made In USA (I don’t use weird plastics for my animals). In addition, the product label had pictures of the tray being used for things like an ice bucket on a picnic table.

While you are at the big store, head to the garden center and check out the bird and deer netting. The brands I bought came in 14’ squares and 7’ by 100’ rolls. Our first chicken pen was 13’ by 26’ and my husband covered the top of the pen with two squares. He wove a string through the netting and fence. It lasted until I raised idiots that thought it was a trampoline...

My point being: your duck pen width can be tailored to available netting. It will make it easier to get good coverage. We had a young Red-Tailed Hawk make it inside our Guinea pen despite our netting because we had gaps.

Last suggestion for tonight: invest in a good crab net with a long handle. My geese still say nasty things about my husband, “There’s that man that caught us with the net! Watch him!”

Come to think of it, Mr. Red-Tail wasn’t thrilled when Hubby used the crab net (plus leather gloves) to remove him from the pen before the Guineas decided to attack the predator. I have a picture of Mr. R-T on his back, glaring at the world!

Bless you for adopting those ducks. You will have many war stories before you know it!

Thank you so much for reading, and commenting!

I love the cement tray idea, I never even thought of that as a alternative when we couldn't find the kiddie pools.

And that's a great price too, we go to home depot often so I will keep my eyes out next time we are there.

That is exactly what I've been looking for, I didnt know the word for a large net (the only large net I could think of was a soccer goal net).
But a deer/ bird net is exactly what I wanted for the duck pen.

We also have a bass pro ( I dont go there often) but I'm sure they might have large bets too?
If anyone here goes to bass pro often could answer the net question, that would be awesome.

Any tips about keeping the netting gap free? Lots of zip ties, perhaps?

That's a good tip about the long handled net, would of made it easy to catch them the first few night they were free range.

"My geese still say nasty things about my husband, “There’s that man that caught us with the net! Watch him!”'

That is hilarious.

My ducks think the cleaning broom is the devil.

If you didnt mind to post the picture of Mr. R-T, I would love to see.

Thank you again so much for reading and commenting, your tips have been very useful.
Especially the net, and mixing tray ideas.

I hope you have a great day!
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They might be young still yet but as far as laying goes I'm pretty sure most ducks stop laying in the winter months. My Cayuga ducks haven't layed an egg for a couple months now, but gave me an egg every day all summer throughout the fall. Once they start you'll be wondering when she will take a break!
I doubt you'll have a fertility problem. If anything you may have to consider getting another female so your girl doesn't get over mated. Once a day is nothing. . when spring hits he will most likely be mating her several times a day.

Hello again, @shawluvsbirds!
Thank you for all of your past tips and suggestions, I really appreciate your help.

In what months do you start noticing your ducks laying eggs?

The reason I want to know is because, my fear is that I'm going to accidently break a hidden egg when cleaning.

Another duck you say?

I would love to get another one, I honestly have a certain breed in mind.

But again, I have questions.

Do different breeds of ducks get along?
Can different breeds of duck mate with each other? If they can have offspring together, will they be healthy?

The breed I had in mind was a Ancona duck, I think they are so freaking cute.

What does everyone think of this breed of duck? Anyone have any experience raising them?

Another duck I think is cute are Call Ducks, but I think they are way to small to mate with any other duck breed. But i could be wrong too lol

Of course another duck will have to wait, until we get their pen and ark 100% predator proof.

But I wouldnt mind getting some suggestion on different duck breeds, and why they make your flock awesome.
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I love this thread, just finished reading it and at first was so worried about the abandoned ducks! But you have done a wonderful thing by sheltering these creatures! They will give you so much joy!
A few tips I’ve learned in the 2 years I’ve had ducks, ( which were unplanned I’ll add)

Get your mealworms from amazon. I buy a 5 or even 11 pound bag, the 5 lb bag is just under 30 dollars.

I use bales of straw for bedding and underfoot in the winter, dry leaves and dry grass in the summertime. I try to compost most of the used bedding, you could give it to neighbors.

My 2 ducks love romain lettuce, chives, and green onions all diced finely and in water, As well as peas.

I bet if you sat flat in the pen, you could get one of them at least to sit on your lap, my girl always acts like she doesn’t want to but then she settles right down and tucks her head in my hand.

Bomb proof your pen as much as you can. You might feel like it’s too much but it’s not. I almost lost my girl to a hawk that went under the patio table to get her. Predators are smart, hungry, and will take chances you would never think possible.

Find a neighbor or two who will put your ducks away when you can’t be home in time. This is so important! It could mean life or death for your ducks. Maybe you can give them eggs in payment!

Lastly, this site is invaluable! I’ve received the best advice and help and everyone responds fast. My two ducks are happy and healthy because of this site!
I hope to hear all about your duck adventures and I wish you all the luck!

Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

Unplanned ducks are so much fun lol

Thank you so much for the compliment, ducks are truly amazing creatures and a absolute joy to have.

Oh wow, that is a great price on mealworms! Our feed store has different sizes, but the 5lb bag cost $40.

Online seems the way to go.

Dry leaves and dry grass are great ideas, and would be great for emergency bedding in case we ever run out of straw or pine shavings.

I should find out if any of my neighbours have a garden, I bet they would love some free compost! Another great suggestion.

I did not know they could have chives and green onions, i will add that to the duck vegetables list.

Also I should of asked BYC first, but can they have mushy bananas?

That would be so cute, if they got comfortable enough to sit in our laps. But i am also just happy to sit and chat, or read to them too.

Your little duck girl sounds so precious!

The third duck, would eat right out of your hand, she was so friendly.
But sadly, we are pretty sure she was the one that passed away.
I really miss that beautiful duck, everytime I see the other two ducks.

One night, she came right up to the front door. I really regret not letting her inside, if that would of ment she would still be alive today.

The night she came up to the door, was not the same night of the attack.
But still, I wish I could of given her a kind gesture before she passed away, even if that was just one night inside a warm house.

When we have the materials and, money (come on tax return) we will make sure the pen is 100% secure.

I'm so happy you were able to get to your little girl in time to save her from the hawk.
We definitely need to get the net for the top as soon as possible.

I actually work from home, and I never leave the house.
Except for the short trips out to the store for more supplies, we always lock and key their ark up before we leave anywhere.

Snice you mention trading duck eggs;
Do you mean trading fertile or unfertilized duck eggs?
What is everyones opinions on balut eggs? Because I'm not sure if I'm okay with that.

And this is just a hypothetical question;

We kind of know someone with chickens, has anyone ever traded duck eggs for chicken eggs? Would that be a fair trade?

BYC has been so helpful with every question, concern, and issue we have! You all are so nice, informative, patient, and, amazing people.

You and everyone on BYC, will definitely be getting updates and future adventures from us!

Thank you again for commenting, and leaving awesome tips.

I hope you and your two ducks have a great day!
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That is what we use and now that we are getting eggs, they get oyster shell on the side

Texag87, thank you so much for reading and commenting.

Older ducks can eat these crumbles?
I wasnt sure if it was only for young duckling, that still have yellow feathers.

That would be awesome, we can change out their pellets for the crumbles in the morning.

Also were do you buy your oyster shells?
It sounds like they have been through a lot. I would do the pen/backyard to keep them as safe as possible. You already know there is is predators.

When using wire--use hardware cloth versus chicken wire. I would put this on the ground around whatever area they are in so nothing can dig under.

Thank you for reading and commenting!

Yes, those ducks have been through a lot.

Hardware cloth for inside the pen, would give it a extra layer of protection. Thank you for suggestion, very helpful.

And yes backyard/pen is definitely the safest route and winner on the poll too.

Thank you so much for commenting and for the hardware cloth idea!

I hope you have a great day.
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I have really enjoyed watching this thread, and I hate to rain on everyone's parade.....

I have had sooooo much trouble with predators--ESP neighbors' dogs and cats and now raccoons (kitty dishes and bird feeders from 9 new houses and 4-6 'new' neighbors after the older folks passed on). Leaving food outside in an unsecured area is a pred magnet! A "makeshift" fence will NOT deter dogs or raccoons--the average loose dog will easily clear a 4' fence to 'play.' Raccoons and weasels/minks can reach through 1/2 -1" spacing and pull at the animals inside(fence or hutch). Foxes, coyotes, dogs, raccoons, and skunks will also go under. The fence will need to be pretty solid and, since you live in a housing development, attractive. It will need to be sheltered (hidden) from the road(s) to avoid drivers taking potshots at them. If you rent, what does the owner say? Will they help with a fence for your dogs/kids/etc? How is your relationship with your neighbor/neighbor's dog--would they call animal control if they got mad or if the muddy ducky coop got stinky? What if they do hatch ducklings, how will you keep them safe (from cats, esp), and how would that affect your pen design? (You might want to hunt down their nest for a little ducky birth control?)

I really do think what you've done is great and hope for the best for all of you!

Boooo party pooper booo
Texag87, thank you so much for reading and commenting.

Older ducks can eat these crumbles?
I wasnt sure if it was only for young duckling, that still have yellow feathers.

That would be awesome, we can change out their pellets for the crumbles in the morning.

Also were do you buy your oyster shells?

Those crumbles are the same ones I feed my 8 1/2 month old ducks.

Oyster shell you can get at tractor supply. You might be able to find some at walmart, but it would probably be more expensive.

Activated charcoal will help if your ducky eats something it shouldn't have.
Hello again, @shawluvsbirds!
Thank you for all of your past tips and suggestions, I really appreciate your help.

In what months do you start noticing your ducks laying eggs?

The reason I want to know is because, my fear is that I'm going to accidently break a hidden egg when cleaning.

Another duck you say?

I would love to get another one, I honestly have a certain breed in mind.

But again, I have questions.

Do different breeds of ducks get along?
Can different breeds of duck mate with each other? If they can have offspring together, will they be healthy?

The breed I had in mind was a Ancona duck, I think they are so freaking cute.

What does everyone think of this breed of duck? Anyone have any experience raising them?

Another duck I think is cute are Call Ducks, but I think they are way to small to mate with any other duck breed. But i could be wrong too lol

Of course another duck will have to wait, until we get their pen and ark 100% predator proof.

But I wouldnt mind getting some suggestion on different duck breeds, and why they make your flock awesome.
I think you would be ok with any other breed of duck as long as they are comparable in size. You don't want one a lot smaller than your male or his weight would be hard on her legs and hips when mating. Oh, and not a Muscovy. . they don't speak the same language as the rest of the mallard derived ducks.
Do you have a orscheln store near you? I buy most of my supplies there. I use Nutrena naturewise All flock feed for all my ducks and they do great on it. Oyster shell on the side. You can find it there also.
Another good feed is Purina flock Raiser Which you can find at tractor supply.
Peas are my ducks favorite treat. I buy them in the freezer section and thaw them in the fridge.
You could start getting eggs any time but it's normally when the days start getting longer and warmer. I think the rule of thumb is like 12 hours of light a day before they normally start laying. :)
Texag87, thank you so much for reading and commenting.

Older ducks can eat these crumbles?
I wasnt sure if it was only for young duckling, that still have yellow feathers.

That would be awesome, we can change out their pellets for the crumbles in the morning.

Also were do you buy your oyster shells?
We spoil our ducks. They are old enough for pellets, which would be less waste. We get oyster shell from Tractor Supply but any good feed store should have it.

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