Pet Ducks Dumped in Neighborhood Pond, Help?

Free range or backyard/pen?

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@Miss Lydia @Cayuga momma @Texag87

One little baby in the group seems to pant more then the other ducks, I noticed it when we first got them home, and into their warm brooder. This little duckling would always have to sleep right in the middle (the warmest area) of his other duck mates and then pant.

Even to this day, outside in fresh air, with plenty of shady spots, water bucket and pool for him to clean out his nostrils. I still see him pant while the other ducks are fine.

I think he has more black feathers then the other Ancona ducks, maybe he gets overheated faster because of it?

Can I do anything to help him out? I feel bad seeing everyone chilling in the shade, and he has little head up panting away.
Sounds like your doing all you can but having more black feathers could be the culprit. Will the duckling get in the pool today cool off?

Yes, they have pool access the whole day everyday (we dont fill it up as high as the adult duck pool) and we make sure they have bricks to safely get in and out.

I think it might be the feathers making him overheat, the other ancona ducks seem to have more white feathers then he does.

Also before I tell you the new update, I had one other question.

So I know its hormonal season and all, and i know drakes arnt exactly too friendly at this time of year. But I'm not sure if this is normal drake behavior either.

So one day I wanted to check Downeys feet/head area, I pick her up and I turn my back against Fergus.

Well I guess Fergus didnt know what i was doing to Downy, so he took the opportunity to try to rescue her, and he bit me on the butt.

It didnt hurt at all, it was a little shocking as I've never been bitten by a duck before, none the less on my butt. It's kinda funny thinking back to it, but is it something to be concern about?

I've notice when my S/O is in the cage with Fergus and hes grabbing the food bowl to fill it up, when he turns his back, Fergus will start to charge in the direction of S/O but never bites him, like he did with me holding Downey.

Fergus sure is smart to know to wait until our backs are turned before trying to attack, and if we turn our heads to look at him he will stop dead in his tracks. Again, it's kinda funny but also seems a bit concerning at the same time...

What do you think miss Lydia? Is this normal, or is this kinda aggressive behavior?
It’s normal behavior for a lot of drakes. But you don’t want him biting you. So next time you go inside you want to make yourself big and carry something with you a broom or long pole a bucket something you can put between you and Fergus just in case he wants to try this again and he just might since he did once already. You want to make him realize there are limits and touching or biting you is not in his best interest.
It’s normal behavior for a lot of drakes. But you don’t want him biting you. So next time you go inside you want to make yourself big and carry something with you a broom or long pole a bucket something you can put between you and Fergus just in case he wants to try this again and he just might since he did once already. You want to make him realize there are limits and touching or biting you is not in his best interest.

Good to know this is normal drake behavior, I was a little worried. Thank you for the tips, just got to show Fergus who the boss is.

Now on to the update;

We decided the ducks need a little move, and a bit more space.

So we put them in the backyard, right next to my bedroom window so my s/o and I can watch them nearly 24/7 now.

We also decided not to move the old ark to the new space because we wanted to build them a new ark , (something easier for us to clean and more preadtor proof) and because it's so heavily we would of needed a group of people to easily move the thing without breaking anyone's back.

Before I post the pictures, just want to say it's not 100% finish, it's still going to need a ton of predator proofing but their enclosed pen is almost 100% predator proof just needs a hardware cloth skirt.

But anyways onto the pictures;


Also the chicken wire we were using before to sperate the little ones from the adults was a little to short, and we had a little mishap.

Luckily I had just open my curtain to check on them, and I happen to catch mini (the littlest duckling) flap her wings and fly over the chicken wire into Downey and Fergus side of the enclosure.

I freak out because she still so little compared to the other ducklings and Fergus is obviously hormonal, so I run outside to rescue her and I was a little surprised to see Feegus ignoring mini for the most part.
He did try once to do a "charge attack" but he didnt bite her, he stop himself a few inches away from her, turned away, and went back to his pool.

So I decided it would be safe to take a few pictures before recusing mini.



At this moment, mini knew she made a mistake
@Miss Lydia @Texag87 @Cayuga momma

Thank you everyone for all the lovely compliments, I really do appreciate it.

And yes, I think mini did learn her lesson lol

Also I'm going to need a little reinsurance, I know I've asked this question in the past but I worry, a lot.
The babies will be six months in August (still far away), and Im freaking out that Fergus is huge compared to the ancona ducks, especially Mini.
Has anyone mated a large size drake with a medium size duck? Was their any issues with it?
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