Pet Ducks Dumped in Neighborhood Pond, Help?

Free range or backyard/pen?

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I have a Muscovy drake probably 12lbs. He mates with Muscovy females any where from 4-5 lbs girls no problems. Just try and have the pool because it's easier on the girls if water is involved. You just don't want more than one drake trying to mate with a duck in the water they can drown her.
@Miss Lydia @Texag87 @Cayuga momma

Thank you everyone for all the lovely compliments, I really do appreciate it.

And yes, I think mini did learn her lesson lol

Also I'm going to need a little reinsurance, I know I've asked this question in the past but I worry, a lot.
The babies will be six months in August (still far away), and Im freaking out that Fergus is huge compared to the ancona ducks, especially Mini.
Has anyone mated a large size drake with a medium size duck? Was their any issues with it?

go with your gut. if you think She is too little then don't let him mate her. Give her a few months to grow.
@Miss Lydia @Cayuga momma @Texag87 @learycow

I think it's time to rehome the drakes, I'm starting to notice curled feathers and no more real voice changes.

Does everyone think our ancona boys will have a good chance at finding a decent home? I'm not to worried about Harley.

They both have very beautiful green feathers and purple feathers mixed in with their black feathers. Im kinda hoping they beautiful enough to be used for breeding or pets.

Drake #1

You can see his purple feathers, if you zoom in.

Drake #1 was getting grumpy, so we only got a few good pictures of his beautiful green and purple feathers.

Drake #2

View attachment 1814725

If anyone knows someone who's needs a few ancona drakes for breeding or pet purposes, please let them know I have a few drakes that are ready for a good home.
They are gorgeous and I would think you'd be able to find them homes I'd go to your state thread at "where am I where are you" go to BUY sell trade here on BYC scroll down past duck forum. also they have a rehoming thread in the same area. Last but not least craigslist. How many drakes did ya'll end up with? @SansDuck
They are gorgeous and I would think you'd be able to find them homes I'd go to your state thread at "where am I where are you" go to BUY sell trade here on BYC scroll down past duck forum. also they have a rehoming thread in the same area. Last but not least craigslist. How many drakes did ya'll end up with? @SansDuck

Thank you for the tip, I'll be sure to post in the BYC rehoming thread. Do you think it's a good idea to post a flyer up at TSC?

It's funny you ask Miss Lydia, we ended up with exactly three boys, and three girls. Including Downy and Fergus, its four boys and four girls.

It's a shame that ducks dont pair up and mate for life or we would have the perfect number of ducks to drakes lol

Oh yeah, a little update on Fergus and Downy, we ended up separating Downy from Fergus and putting her with the babies.

Besides missing feathers on her head, she was neglecting to bath herself. She wouldnt dare step into the pool, so her white feathers became dirty. Once she was separated, she seemed to perk right up. She bathed herself and actually walks around and does stuff, before she would sit in one spot and not move for the whole day.

She did establish a bit of a pecking order with the younger ducks in the begaining, but now everyone seems chill with each other. Though she does get first dibs on the food, and clean pool lol

One day she seemed to miss Fergus? Or at least maybe wanted to mate, she was by his side of the fence and bobbing her head up and down while staring at Fergus, Fergus was head bobbing too.

I think I've asked this question in the past, but does ducks matting season slow down at all throughout the year? Or are Drakes just horny 365 days out of the year?

One last question, any good tips for flies?
We given the ducks more space so less poo build up, we change water buckets everyday, and kiddie pools get change every few days, the water sources are kept separate from their food, and we've swapped their litter from pine shavings to sand.
We also use fly strips, diatomaceous earth,
and vanilla car air fresheners to help with the problem.

The above has all helped some, but there still seems to be more flies then normal.

I know once we can rehome the drakes the flies will get better, but are there any other good tips we are missing out on?

I've heard fans help, but not sure on how much electric that uses everyday.
@Miss Lydia

I'm not sure you got my last post, but we have some new developments.

The drakes are starting to mate with the girls, so we got to get the drakes rehome asap. Luckily they seem to perfer to mate on dry land so I'm not to worried about drowning yet.

Is this normal though?
I wasnt expecting matting until the six month when they become sexually mature.

Also everyone in the house has been sad for Fergus since hes been separated from Downy.

Downy feathers have grown back and shes looking a lot better, should we allow her to visit Fergus for a bit? or not and wait until we can start introducing the rest of the girls?
@Miss Lydia @Cayuga momma @Texag87

I hope you all are doing well, we have a new update.

We have someone who wants to pick up the drakes together tomorrow, they seems like a nice person.

They have a acre of land and they own chickens and swedish black ducks, they even mention in their voicemail they have a place to lock them up at night for safety.

It seems absolutely perfect, and I think they will be happy there.

This is my first time ever giving away animals, and I'm still nervous and a little sad that the drakes will be sad being apart from the flock.
I am so sorry I don’t always get tags. I am happy for you that you have found a home for the drakes. I sure understand how you all are feeling about letting them go, I think most of us have been there. Just keep in mind your doing this for the safety of your girls. And remember how hard it was if you decide to let anyone hatch eggs in the future. That is what keeps me from letting my girls just hatch anytime they like. As for Fergus try them together that should let you know if he can be with Downy and behave himself. Again remember it’s our responsibility to protect our females from abuse. If he can see her and the other females he’s okay. Many on here have to separate their drakes from their females till end of summer. It just means your s responsible duck owner. Love to see some pics of your flock. When you get time.

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