pet food recall

Sugar Sand Farm

12 Years
Apr 24, 2007
North Florida
I was watching the news today and they did a story on the continued trouble with the pet food recall. They said it has been traced to chicken feed in Indiana. Has anyone heard this. They claim it is not harmful to humans but I don't like the idea of giving my chickens tainted food do you. Micki
They didn't say what kind of feed it was but they showed a farm in Indiana The chickens looked like pullets they were not full grown. I imagine fit was starter feed of some kind. I just don't like the idea that they haven't pulled this tainted food. If our chickens eat it then our eggs will be taiinted won't they.
I looked around, too, and couldn't find anything. I wrote to USA Today asking them to clarify whether or not the Indiana farms milled their own chicken feed or not. It looks as if they fed it to their broilers, but one never knows whether or not the tainted ingredient could be in layer feed, too. The article I found said the broilers had already been processed, so I suppose that means they're on grocery store shelves, or in KFC buckets... or in more pet food, who knows.

Sometimes I feel like it's not really safe to eat anything you don't grow yourself, anymore... and then you hear about things like this, which could even "get" your efforts to be as self-sufficient as possible, smack you in the Jeffersonian ideal.

I heard the same thing on Fox News this morning... I kept waiting for them to go into more detail on what kind of feed but they never said..

and I totally agree with you Llysse...

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