Pet four-month-old Standard Bronze pair and Narragansett hen in PA

Free Feather

5 Years
Aug 1, 2014
Southwestern Pennsylvania
A pair of Standard Bronzes and a Narragansett hen, all four months old. They are friendly and love treats. The Narragansett is the friendliest and is the most wary of predators. They have free ranged all their life, and unfortunately do not want to stay out of the neighbor's yard. I can not stand the thought of penning them up because I know they would loathe it, so I would rather they go to someone who will free range them and not eat them. They would make great pets for someone with more land. I want them to go as a group.
I live near Hillsdale in Glenn Campbell, PA. I might be able to meet somewhere, depending on the distance.

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