Pheasant chicks dropping like flies!! Help!!

thanks, I appreciate the referral. They have actually stopped dying. There were even 3 that were looking kind of lethargic yesterday when I left for work, and I thought for sure they'd all be gone when I got home. But, nobody was dead when I got home, and I can't even tell which ones were the lethargic ones...

It remains a mystery...
No, the brooder is in a different room altogether...

(The chicks are doing great, by the way!!!)
I know this is long after the fact but I have read that you never put shavings or sawdust with pheasants. They will eat it, can't digest it and it kills them. It is recommended that you use chopped straw, or for the first day or two use burlap under them.
I am just going through the same thing with my very first batch of pheasants. I noticed problems only occurred at night. I would wake up and check on them and there would be 1-2 dead or very lethargic looking. It is *very* hot here already so I tried changing the light to a 60 watt bulb and no deaths since then. I think they are all bundling up, then the bottom one gets too hot, gets stepped all over and is unable to move himself away.
Hmm, that's chicks always eat some shavings, but I haven't seen any of the pheasants eating it...everybody that's left is doing great. I have no clue what it was...unfortunately, I went from 34 to 13...
Look at the basics.

Heat. What is your brooder temp? Is the brooder draft free?

Water. Is the water fresh? Did you clean the waterer before using it? Was it rinsed well?

Food. Is the grain fresh? No mold?

Yes I know I'm a little late but the next person reading this thread may be helped.
Hi, the same thing is happening to me. The first two days they were great. Then I came home from work and two were dead. I didn't think much of it they were very small. Then the next morning 5 were dead and by the end of the day I had lost 13 more. They do not even seem to be ill they lay down to sleep and then appear to get weaker and weaker and then they roll over dead. I have even watched a couple go. I have raised chickens, ducks and quineas for a few years and never had this happen. They do not have diarrhea or any other symptoms. They honestly look like they just run out of energy. I think they may have been cold so I have lowered their light today...we'll see. Mine were also on pine chips but and if I have any left when I get home from work I will change that too.

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