Pheasant Coops


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 24, 2009
I am getting ready to be a first time pheasant raiser and I have a couple of questions. I am raising them for pets I am going to sell the chicks I hatch and also fertilized eggs. I am planning on keeping 1 rooster and 2 or 3 hens. I do not have enough room for a big on ground pen but I am thinking about something like I have my quails in a large wire floor coop, has any one done this with them how do they do and about how big would it have to be to house 4 birds or would I do better building something like a chicken tractor for them I thank you for any help and advise you care to give.
You are better off with a ground pen at least 6 ft tall.No matter how tame you think your birds are,all it takes is 1 dog running by and bang,there goes your birds head against the roof and a broken neck is often the end.You don't need a house,just a place where they can get out of drafts.(This only applies to winter months)A covered roof is nice,it keeps your pen dry.Theres nothing worse then a wet pen,all mud and your birds drag their tail threw it and then they look like crap.
In N.H.,Tony.
That makes sense about them hurting themselves and I do have a Border Collie but he is pretty good with my birds. I have or had chickens quail turkeys and guineas but this pheasant thing is new to me, so this is a learning adventure for me. About how many sqft per bird would I need in their cage? I could get something about 8’ x 12’ in the area I want to put it with no problem would that be big enough and should I move it around some or just leave it so I do not disturb their nests.
Thanks for your help
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That's an okay size for 3 or 4 birds.I would leave it in one place and just throw in some grass clippings every once in a while.You also need to put a wire apron on the ground around the perimeter of your pen so predators will not dig in.
In N.H.,Tony.
Your dog may be good with birds,but will your pheasants know that?
It is suggested that pheasants need about 10 square feet per bird. Your pen needs to be as preditor proof as possible. Many people have different ways to build thier pens which is determined by what predators that they have in their area. I have them all. I can send you a pic of my set-up if you want.
I would like to see a picture of your pen... I'm also looking for ideas.

Here's mine.There are 14-6x12x8.This is an old pic and there have been 3 more pens added to the left side since this pic.I also have 5-8x16x10 which I have no pics of yet.I have different stages of the construction,but we bought a new computer in the middle of construction and I don't know how to load pics in the new computer.I will figure it out someday,I hope.
In N.H.,Tony.
I 'think' my pens are 10x20x8 sloping to 14. A lot of breeders say houses are unnecessary for pheasants but depending on your weather and the breed, a correctly built structure can be life or death for the pheasant. The fencing/wire apron on the ground for digging predators is very important, not only for predators but for digging breeds! An acquaintance had an impeyan dig out, thankfully I was able to catch it for him, but we re-did his pens so that won't happen again.
A trick a local chicken breeder taught me was to shovel gravel about 2 inches deep and a foot out from the pen and then sprinkle quickcrete on top, set it with water and nothing can dig in. I don't advise using the quickcrete after the pheasants are in the pen though, I'm not sure how the dust spreads and thats not something you want anyone (you included) breathing in.

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