pheasant pen info


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 2, 2014
I've read a few pages on several sites an looked at the one thread on here with pictures an still I'm a little unsure as to my design for my pen. My brother hatched out 150 plus ring necks an gave me 9 an sold the rest of the chicks. I think I'm going to build to 8x8 pens 4.5'high an have a 1:3 male to hen ratio. Or so is my goal my nine are still not showing what sex they are. I want some input on what to do with the pens I figured like my chicken pen I'll make a section of the top open I can access for food n water as for the habitat itself i know that they prefer more cover so I was thinking of artifcal plants like tree limbs so tht they don't die n rot an have to be replaced. An I was also thinking if building a 2x4' box for them to stay in attached to the back of the pen to help get them out of the rain n snow. Any input or ideas

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