Pheasants cross breeding


9 Years
Mar 30, 2010

What pheasants crossbreed?

At the moment have ring necks and melanistics sharing the same pen.

Also considering some Noir, Golden, Reeves etc
If you have males and females in the mix, you are setting yourself up for trouble. If you want to mix them up, I'd suggest going with all males. There are some obvious factors excluded in the description such as pen size, how planted it is etc. but even with that, I wouldn't recommend it. Build a seperate community for them and enjoy them seperately.
Well I'm trying to keep spacing equal between them so keep both sides open. I just wanted to know if they would crossbreed and what other other types of pheasants could be housed together without issue.
There are two farily recent threads on here about hybrids and also crossbreeding. Its actually amazing how many hybrids you can come up with, even pheasant/chicken. The old theory goes you can keep "non Like" birds together. Well, I learned quickly that breaks a lot of "rules", and the only way to successfully to do that is do what I mentioned first, keep only males. That allows the "flower garden" affect to your aviary. However, you miss out on a lot of action and courtship displays etc by doing that. If you gander at those threads, then you'll get a picture of what can happen. I might be in the minoroty, but I really dislike hybrids and or crossbreeds. I have success stories of different species of pheasants being kept together and I have tradgedys
one specie to the pen!
Ringneck and melanistics are the same species anyway, just a color mutation of ringneck so they 100% will.
As will most of the others, not to mention fighting and all the other no no's in pheasant keeping. 1 PEN, 1 SPECIES, is the best way to go, crosses in the pheasant world dont accomplish any thing
BBB - Good post !

Drives me nuts when I see a person's list of species (and mutts) they are raising......and the list includes things like "Splash" Golden (and other abominations) etc.

I've been telling people since (well) before internet !
me too,
your signature statement in your post says it all. We are responsible for the survival of these species, they arent here to be destroyed by improper breeding, they need our help to survive, 80% of them are already endangered some very critically....Preservation of the natural state of these birds is key, not lets see what happens if I do this, styles of breeding.... NOT that the OP was implying that here, I think they were just curious and in search of knowledge, which is great...but many many people do have that attitude toward captive bred WILD pheasants and it's the wrong approach. Those usually get all mad and hateful towards anyone who says different, and it's very sad. PRESERVATION PRESERVATION PRESERVATION folks....

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