
Living here in the Philippines and wanting to raise some Buff Orpingtons. Can someone lead me to any breeders in the Philippines?

Living here in the Philippines and wanting to raise some Buff Orpingtons. Can someone lead me to any breeders in the Philippines?
welcome to B.Y.C. Vemia

OZ has some great buff orpingtons, he will take good care of you

We had a bit of a set back this week. A feral cat got into a coop and wiped out 48 chicks from imported eggs.

I lost all new Hampshire, Breda, ceam legbar and polish stock. A huge loss to our breeding program.

The Silver Penciled Rocks, White Rocks and Australorps juveniles are getting closer to point of lay. I have a Black Copper Marans rooster in with the Ameraucanas that have started laying so I will have olive egger chicks available in a few weeks. The Cuckoo Marans are due to lay any day.

The Orpington are doing well. I need to beef up my breeder numbers before I can release any for sale. The same goes with barred rocks, Jersey Giants and Rhode island Reds. I should be able to start selling again by September.
I have SASSO chickens in Baguio City, Philippines but they look like New Hampshire Reds. I'm not sure why it is called SASSO??
Hi Oz! U mentioned sasso is a hybrid production so its not purebred New Hampshire Reds? Because I could tell the difference between the male and female. Males usually have white off on the shoulder and grow slower than the females regard feathering the wings

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