Here are my chicks. Haha they're all adorable..

good looking chicks if I say so myself
Here are my chicks. Haha they're all adorable..

So cute, mickmeek! I like the black and white in the first picture. In the second, the yellow/white one in the middle seems like it doesn't like its picture taken!
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Haha for someone not familiar with dinugu an. They always find it weird. But for the pinoy namit pares sa puto, especially Manapla puto.


Haha thanks. My fave is the black chick.


Haha these are Easter eggers and some mixed breed from Kuya Oz. Btw I'm not a Sir. Hahaha

Haha for someone not familiar with dinugu an. They always find it weird. But for the pinoy namit pares sa puto, especially Manapla puto.


Haha thanks. My fave is the black chick.


Haha these are Easter eggers and some mixed breed from Kuya Oz. Btw I'm not a Sir. Hahaha
I have tried it - just dont like it. It tastes like toktok lol

toktok is rust you degenerates that thought I would swear at a fine young lady!!

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Hahaha the texture of dinugu an is like toktok.
Btw kuya Oz we are planning to order additional chicks but not now Im still saving. :D
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