the first batch are now 12 weeks old!





I ordered another batch from oz This time, i'll try day old chicks. my first 2 batches don't want to be picked!!! i'm sure the chicks will let me pick them up anytime i want. Haha.

I ordered 4 buff orps, 2 JG and 2 RIR. I must admit i tried to stop myself but i just couldn't help it!! it's so tempting! I want australop too but maybe i'll order it some other time.
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Your chickens are getting fluffy, esp the Buff orp.

I envy u, as much as I want to order again from Oz, my budget is not enough, I still want to order day old chicks as from what Ive observe they still have immunity, my next order will be 10 chicks again, maybe 5 buff orps and 5 BBS orps. But the problem is the possibility of getting less hens and more roos. Its a 50-50 chance.
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Your chickens are getting fluffy, esp the Buff orp.

I envy u, as much as I want to order again from Oz, my budget is not enough, I still want to order day old chicks as from what Ive observe they still have immunity, my next order will be 10 chicks again, maybe 5 buff orps and 5 BBS orps. But the problem is the possibility of getting less hens and more roos. Its a 50-50 chance.

i'm sure you'll be able to get some other breeds soon.

yup indeed they are getting fluffy. My buff isn't as heavy as the mixed and rir though.

I agree about the 50-50 chance. If they become roo, i'll give them to my brother or maybe send them to freezer. :D

I am reading some forums about eggs and it looks like the members are enjoying collecting different color of eggs from their easter egger chickens. You are lucky you have EEs.
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Haha I am excited to see green eggs from my EE chickens. I have 3 obvious EE hens so far. And 1 mixed breed hen.

Im giving them Coxiban in their water as I have seen some orange/ red flesh on some of their poops. But they look active so far.

Haha I am excited to see green eggs from my EE chickens. I have 3 obvious EE hens so far. And 1 mixed breed hen.

Im giving them Coxiban in their water as I have seen some orange/ red flesh on some of their poops. But they look active so far.

Oh i hope your chicks have no serious illness. i can only imagine how worried you were when you saw those orange thingy in their poop.

good thing we can always ask oz and other peeps here in byc. Indeed a lot of people here are friendly and helpful. :)
Yes, I mix the big ones with the small ones, I thought Orpringtons are docile, I never realised they could be aggressive at times,
Oh. My buff orp is very docile and calm. the younger chicks even peck on her and she just walks away. Perhaps not all buff orpingtons have the same characteristics.

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