Went to Progressive Poultry this morning to buy meds for the chooks. They do not sell erythromycin nor tylan. Talked to the vet and he gave the the following:



Also bought laying mash and oyster shell. I spent more than 1,500 pesos for the meds and feeds. Hope the chooks get well sooner than later.
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Help! I saw Matcha, my laying hen, is pulling out some feathers from my other pullets' butt. she eats the feathers! I am concerned because this is the first time she has done this and i bet she will do it over and over again. My BBSO and BO have beautiful plumage and I don't want then to get bald.
I read that there are several reasons why they behave that way:
1. Lack of protein
2. Boredom
3. Stress
4. No rooster is around
5. lack of space
6. And many more

How can i identify which of the above mentioned factors is/are causing her to behave this way and how can i correct it?
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Help! I saw Matcha, my laying hen, is pulling out some feathers from my other pullets' butt. she eats the feathers! I am concerned because this is the first time she has done this and i bet she will do it over and over again. My BBSO and BO have beautiful plumage and I don't want then to get bald.
I read that there are several reasons why they behave that way:
1. Lack of protein
2. Boredom
3. Stress
4. No rooster is around
5. and many more

How can i identify which of the above mentioned factors is/are causing her to behave this way and how can i correct it?
If she is eating the feathers it could well be protein deficiency, and I would start by supplementing her.
What do you feed her?
Also make sure they have space.
They have the widest space among the rest of the chooks. I am feeding her breeder pellets, plus layer mash, and mixed starter/grower feeds. i give them a handful of cracked corn every morning.

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