Phoenix Thread

My little ones have gotten so big! Love this breed they are so beautiful!
2 cokerels and 9 pullets all together
Oh my, I love seeing all these beautiful photos of Phoenix lovelies. I used to have silver Phoenixes until a raccoon incident recently. My aunt sent me two phoenix pullets. I have no idea what the color is. I've only seen the red, golden, and silver. What would you call these ladies?

Quick question: I got these Phoenix bantams from a local breeder, and the girl said they were the Golden variety. I've only heard of "Golden Duckwing," never just Golden by itself. I had always thought my boys were Black Breasted Red, but I could very well be wrong. Anybody have the answer for me?

Thanks so much!
The cockerel HATES me. He is subjected to cuddling often. Hates every minute of it. Shrieks the whole time. Takes a second to eat a bean sprout, then shrieks some more. _Pam

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