Photo Critique Club

Post #1300 go look at it and vote below

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And these if you guys want.


3. These next 2 you can see the web creator

Gorgeous bird and great color in your photo. Yes, another layer of glass, no matter how clean will have an effect on the image. Even clear UV filters made of quality optical glass will have some detrimental effects.

That said, your photos turned out very sharp for being taken through a window, especially the top one. You could maybe lighten it up a little so we get more detail in his feathers and eye. If I were editing it, I'd mask the bird from the background and lighten it alone, making it really stand out. This is where even the best cellphone camera and 'real' camera can differ. The dynamic range of a dslr or mirrorless camera has a much better dynamic range, consequently the highlights and shadows contain more details that can be retrieved through post processing.

His eye is almost dead center in the photo, which is a little awkward compositionally. If you were to imagine a tic-tac-toe grid over the photo, I'd place his eye at the upper right junction of the lines, giving more room to the left for movement as he's facing that direction. Some cameras have this grid as an option in the viewfinder to make composition easier.
Ok, thanks for the tips!
I know it's a cell shot, but 2 things bug me.

The land flows left-to-right and slopes that direction, so it visually pulls the horizon down and right. A degree or 2 of adjustment to visually level that plateau in the center would help.

And the power lines. Nothing to be done there unless you photoshop it.

Also, I love the shot. :)
I know it's a cell shot, but 2 things bug me.

The land flows left-to-right and slopes that direction, so it visually pulls the horizon down and right. A degree or 2 of adjustment to visually level that plateau in the center would help.

And the power lines. Nothing to be done there unless you photoshop it.

Also, I love the shot. :)
Here are the individual shots 20230629_083245.jpg 20230629_083242.jpg 20230629_083239.jpg
Great shot! The only thing I would change is the composition. Right now the hen is center composed. The rule of thirds would work great with this photo.

Since she is looking down and to the left, I would place her head in the upper right intersection. Which means aiming the camera a little more left and up. Like this...

Screenshot_20230628_173231_Photo Editor.jpg

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