pics!!!my girl cant stand up, just lays on her pain


12 Years
Jan 22, 2008
she just lays on her side trying to get to her food by scooting. i picked her up and she wobbled to her food, layed on her side and began eating. shes definately in pain. here are the pics. i know they are not too clear. but it is blisters on her feet. i squeezed one and pus came out and she squawked in pain:( poor baby:( what is it?


Just a suggestion, maybe take another photo of the whole chicken so we get a better idea of how she looks overall.
And then maybe try and re-focus on her feet to get a better shot.
The one toe looks pretty inflamed. Cleaning them up with saline solution wouldn't hurt. Could you bring her inside for a few days?
Hard to help with no details about your old is she and how long has this been going on? Does she have any other symptoms, is she eating and pooping normal?
I would definitely clean the sore on her foot with saline solution and bring her inside or otherwise into a very clean environment where she won't have to step on her feet for a while to get to her food and water. Keep rinsing that foot with saline solution several times a day.
You might also give her some aspirin for the pain. 1 1/4 aspiring dissolved into 1 quart of water.
Or as I would do: I scrape a little bit of the aspirin off with a knife and put it on a grape or other yummy morsel and have her eat it.

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