Pics of my birds!

some pictures I missed!
What do you feed your mergansers and ducks? Also, where do you get all of your birds?

Your birds are so pretty :D
They all get a mix of feeds. My dabblers are on a local mill feed for ducks that 18%. My sea ducks are fed a little 18% pellet, Mazuri sea duck diet, and Diamond naturals dog food. Their treats are the dog food, Mazuri starter, and mealworms
I don't know what's more beautiful, your birds or your photography. Both are stunning! :love

What is the bird with its tail fanned out? Rusty tail, blue wings?

Is that the Phantom in the shadow photo?
Thankyou! That is my impeyan pheasant Dracula. Yes that is me in the shadow with my East African crane sandstorm

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