Pic's of my Silkie coop!(Pic heavy)

Whoa 45 days!

Adorable Silkie!
Thanks! lol! Yea, she was a trial in patience. In a way, I miss it! She used to walk up to my husband or myself and stamp her little feet to be "put to bed"
Cutie pie. I love your partridge! What a pretty one!
Love your new coop gerbil...very fine craftsmanship.

When I first looked, I wondered if any of the Silkies were using the ramp and roost....then read on and discovered you're having problems with the ramp.

None of my Silkies will use a roost after the age of 3 months. As for ramps, I make them as wide and least sloping as possible; I also carpet them. Since Silkies have vision difficulties, that's the ONLY way I can get them to use a ramp. Of course, there are the "hold outs" who NEVER learn to use a ramp---my husband say's they have me trained to pick them up every night for a hug and a kiss before they get tucked in.

Good luck
Mine never learned to roost, the perch was just put there in the faint hope that they might.
Plus, they appear to all be "Hold outs" but I still love'em.

Thanks Bat cave Silkies, Birdnut and Awesomefowl.
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I love your coop!!!

I guess I got lucky. My silkies learned to use their ramp the second night in their new coop (and its pretty steep) and all my silkies but two (8 out of 10) roost!! What can I say their geniuses!!!

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