Pics of our rabbit with a few questions : )

This is what I was going to recommend too. Plenty of shade, and the frozen bottles are wonderful for hot bunnies.
The first 2 names that came to mind were Herman and Chico.

He is adorable.

I bought 3 rabbits today. 2 silver martens and a mini lop.

I named them Bacon, Sausage, and Biscuit. LOL

Have fun with him!!!!
Thank You everyone, I just love him! Its so funny when he's out in the yard. I let him out every evening for about an hour and he jumps in the air and kicks his back legs out. Like his celebrating something lol. Its really cute. he does that a few times and then starts munching on the grass. The only difficult thing about him is he HATES to be picked up. When we first got him I had new scratches daily from trying to get him. I have a hand towel now that I use to pick him up.
I think he's perfect. I have a home full of 'irregulars,' too.
There's something special about the 'broken' ones. (My DD says I only like broken things, people and animals) *shrug* Someone has to.

I hope a long,healthy, happy life for him.
No worries we have a dutch buck and this last winter it was so cold that his ears got severly frostbitten that we didn't think he would survive....anyways his ears swelled so much that he couldn't hear cause his ear cannel was blocked wth all this swollen skin it hurt him so bad that he ate his own ears off!!! so he doesn't have ears but nothing with getting over heated has happened so i wouldn't worry but put a frosen water bottle in to cool him off in the summer or a tile and put it in the freezer and it will be cool and that might help to.
I've got a water bottle in the freezer now. Its supposed to be in the mid 90's tomorrow and I'm alittle worried about him. His hutch is shaded but the area we have him in doesn't get much of a breeze. I'm going to move it to a different location in a little bit. I went outside about an hour ago and he was layed out, panting and sweating around his nose and mouth. I don't know if maybe he got water on his face or if he was begining to overheat. I put some cool water on his back and left him alone. He seems okay now but I'm still worried about him overheating. If hes already hot now and its 90, what is he going to do when is over 100 degrees in the middle of summer?
Could you put a pie pan or other shallow container of water for him to drink and play in? If you don't think he'd do that you can place in him a bucket with about an inch of water in the bottom and soak his belly and bottom to help him keep cooler.

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