PICS! The Adventures of Telula, Tiny Micro/A class Serama hen

Did you mean 12 ounces maybe
Hey Ondra!
Thanks for looking and the info! Im not sure about the Micro thing...I googled it and that is what I found somewhere..
It did seem like there was a huge difference there though! I never paid much attention, but Tyler from BrairPatchFarms (awesome guy
) came to get some birds and he told me while we were weighing them that he thought she was a Micro. I just love her!!
Its weird how life is..we lost some, and then hatched some...
Thanks for everyone making me feel better about losing them. Clifford was such a can see where he let the 2 yr old drag him around with no problems. Little are the bestest!
I just lost my Roney Roo a couple weeks ago loved him... RIP! One of his chicks is a Rooster and we have named him Jr. He is really cute! Jessi I love your pic of your daughter kissing the rooster! Super Cute! My name is Jessica too! LOL! and I love serama's I only have three and want MORE! One Hen and her two chicks and then of course Roney had an untimely death...

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