Picture thread of my hens!

It looks like a serendipitous hen hiding hole.

Either that or they are engineering marvels that have been planning it for months. The lack of pencils and thumbs makes the task even more impressive in the delivery.
[COLOR=141823]Do I even want to know how they managed this?[/COLOR]


Spot Lacey duck! I couldn't find her and Daffy anywhere and then I saw Bella scratching about right across the field, so I walked over and heard Lacey quacking and then I spotted her. They have discovered a big/strength kind of thing. Never realiSed how ideal my place is for ducks :)


@Johnn, so sorry to hear about Dolly. And I hope Mabel turns up. Raising a flock definitely does have its ups and downs. I always enjoy looking at your photos that you post. Bella and her two ducklings are just too adorable.

Come on, Mabel! And RIP, sweet Dolly.
I'm so glad Daffy is being accepted. Love that photo of the 3 of them. You should find submit 2 photos to the "OTHER POULTRY" calendar that they started this year. I think it would be fine if the photo included a chicken as long as it had one of your ducks in the photo. I think they prefer horizontal oriented photos for the calendar, but you have quite a few photos you could submit. Check it out. the deadline is September 15: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/1015019/byc-2016-other-poultry-types-calendar-pics-needed
@John any news on Mabel yet? I lost one of my Ducks this past Saturday due to my neighbors German Shepard getting loose. So I can imagine what your going thru. I'll keep my fingers crossed

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