Pictures of my moat!!!!!


what a great idea!
Wow! That is the coolest thing I have ever seen. So you're chickens can walk around the garden, but not IN or through it correct? That is so neat. Is there a hen house connected to the moat?
I LOVE it! I saw this concept in Mother Earth News at least 25 years ago and have wanted to build one like it ever since! We already have our beds and garden but the chicken coop is about 30 feet away. Someday....
That looks awesome! Great Idea! I have raised bed gardens too but not near the girls. I got a bunch of free Little Tikes Kid Timbers (like a playground containment thing) and made the raised beds from those. This farming stuff is fun isn't it?
The "shed" is actually the hen house. And to get into the garden you go over a little bridge. That way the chickens can go under the bridge but not in the garden. I posted a pic. of the bridge so you could see. Still havent gotten the gate on the bridge ( to keep out dogs) but you get the idea. I also saw the idea in mother earth news. My girls love it.

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