Pictures of Pheasant Housing/Run

How tall do pheasant enclosures need to be? I Tried to check this thread a few times to see if anyone mentioned height but i could only find the length being discussed.
How tall do pheasant enclosures need to be? I Tried to check this thread a few times to see if anyone mentioned height but i could only find the length being discussed.

Height is important as well, I will admit, I haven't read any portion of this thread at all aside from your question and probably for the best to keep me from getting in trouble!! Many species of pheasants love to perch and even forage high in the aviary. When I kept pheasants, the shortest allowed me to stand in without ducking (it was a little over 6') and my tallest was 16'. I had several that were 8' and one 12'. I planted trees and shrubs inside and wanted to allow room for their growth (there are some photos of my old aviaries on this forum on a similar thread). The trees were getting just about perfect when I was forced to give them all up, the thickness of the branches allowed me to place fruits and other treats that pheasants would feed on and use the trees as natural enrichment. I should have mentioned that first, if the aviary is 100 foot tall and has nothing in it to enrich the bird, it's worthless!!! You can create layers in the aviary using logs, rocks, the plantings, the only thing limiting you would be $$$ and your imagination!! Using these techniques you practically double the square footage the birds can move around on and get them to behave as they would in the wild. Study up on the natural habitat of the species you are working with and try to replicate that habitat to the best of your ability within your aviary.

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Height is important as well, I will admit, I haven't read any portion of this thread at all aside from your question and probably for the best to keep me from getting in trouble!! Many species of pheasants love to perch and even forage high in the aviary. When I kept pheasants, the shortest allowed me to stand in without ducking (it was a little over 6') and my tallest was 16'. I had several that were 8' and one 12'. I planted trees and shrubs inside and wanted to allow room for their growth (there are some photos of my old aviaries on this forum on a similar thread). The trees were getting just about perfect when I was forced to give them all up, the thickness of the branches allowed me to place fruits and other treats that pheasants would feed on and use the trees as natural enrichment. I should have mentioned that first, if the aviary is 100 foot tall and has nothing in it to enrich the bird, it's worthless!!! You can create layers in the aviary using logs, rocks, the plantings, the only thing limiting you would be $$$ and your imagination!! Using these techniques you practically double the square footage the birds can move around on and get them to behave as they would in the wild. Study up on the natural habitat of the species you are working with and try to replicate that habitat to the best of your ability within your aviary.

mr cowell can you please share some pics of your avairies
mr cowell can you please share some pics of your avairies

I no longer have any pheasant aviaries, lost them all 3 years ago. I miss the hell out of them and one day will rebuild for the third time.

I posted these on here a while back with the progression of years & plan growth. It was basically a timeline of 6 years when it all went away. I've been by the old place and saw they cut all my plantings and tore all the pens down.

Summer 2004, Lineated Kalij

Outside view of the Lineated aviary, summer 2008.

This was my mixed species aviary - waterfowl, pheasants, & small humans. Summer 2007

Same aviary with diagram and a Swinhoe Pheasant. The top net reached to 16' to allow for the rapid growth of the willows which needed constant pruning. Both in this pic were planted in 2003, date of pic the same as above.

Landscaping interior of Elliot's aviary. The male would like to stand at about 5' to observe around him.

Some other pics scattered around gbwf, I lost my hard-drive in April, therefore all of the pics!! Not gonna lie, I love to share these, but man it breaks my heart to see them.

I no longer have any pheasant aviaries, lost them all 3 years ago. I miss the hell out of them and one day will rebuild for the third time.

I posted these on here a while back with the progression of years & plan growth. It was basically a timeline of 6 years when it all went away. I've been by the old place and saw they cut all my plantings and tore all the pens down.

Summer 2004, Lineated Kalij

Outside view of the Lineated aviary, summer 2008.

This was my mixed species aviary - waterfowl, pheasants, & small humans. Summer 2007

Same aviary with diagram and a Swinhoe Pheasant. The top net reached to 16' to allow for the rapid growth of the willows which needed constant pruning. Both in this pic were planted in 2003, date of pic the same as above.

Landscaping interior of Elliot's aviary. The male would like to stand at about 5' to observe around him.

Some other pics scattered around gbwf, I lost my hard-drive in April, therefore all of the pics!! Not gonna lie, I love to share these, but man it breaks my heart to see them.

thanks for sharing, it is heartbreaking when you loose everthing I tried for my second time now, first time I have finches, ornamental ducks and pheasants, parakeet and dove species one day I have it all the following day nothing, now I only go noiw for the available galiformes species
Cmon Dan. You can get just one big pen going again. Ive cut back somewhat I will admit. But with me I keep saying Im cutting back but in reality all I do is get rid of some birds only to try new ones. Only problem is the new ones I have'nt kept are high dollar ones. LOL! Im now getting a female siamese fireback to go with a male I have had that a friend gave me a while back(cause he had bad crooked toes but otherwise walks fine). I have a Elliot's trio.I just love em. I also love planted avairies. Mine unfortunately are not. Where I live in Florida there is hardly any rain.But to compensate I put our beach sand in the pens and it looks pretty good.
Lol....I think any part of Florida right now has very little rain. It's so dry here, every time I go to dig a post hole it fills back in. Got to love Florida sand.
Dan, I don't know the reason for your loss...but I hope you get into it again. It must be heart breaking not to have them...
I have been following this thread and am getting ready to build my pen/aviary. This is my idea and would appreciate comments. I would use landscape timbers for side posts set so that they stick up 5' with a p.t. 2x4 spanning the top and bottom of the posts, put metal sheets around the bottom for predator protection, poultry wire from the metal sheets to the top of of the posts, create an arc with 16' wire panels between the sides, and using the width of the wire panels determine how long I want to make it in 4' increments. If the mesh on the panels is too big I would cover it with bird netting.
Good idea...bad idea?

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