Pictures of your coops!

Heres mine gonna add on to it eventually!!!


WOW!! Where were all of these amazingly charming, functional coops when I was trying to get inspired! Family and I are newbs when it comes to chickens but here is what we have so far. We have ALOT still to do. We had to get the chicks out of the house (they were telling me they wanted grass, bugs and sunshine) so we threw some temporary boards up at the top of the coop to keep predators out. Our plans are to build a run that wraps around from front to back with a corrugated metal roof to keep the girls dry. We need to paint still, add charm, more predator proofing.....the list goes on. : ) Boy has this been a great experience!

Here is what we started with. We bought this shipping crate off of craigslist for $70 + $30 for delivery. It is 8'x5'.

Here is what it looks like so far from the front.

Here is the backside.
Here's ours! It is still in are now in and working on runs and front shed roof.


This is our coop:


I bought the coop kit on Ebay. It was the perfect size for four hens! I had it on the ground for a couple of weeks but it was such a bother to have to lean way down to pull out the tray to clean it! And, when it rained, there was no shelter, so I decided to build the platform to raise the coop and then put a separate run on it. The top lifts up so I can throw treats in, refill the water, and spread shavings if the ground gets too wet. Under the coop, on the back wall, there is a door, so I can put the food bowl in.


I also have a hook under there to hang a lettuce ball or what a call a "birdie donut", which is a treat I bake in the shape of a donut and hang there to let them peck at. At the last minute I thought of building a roosting pole right into the base. I am glad I did because they really enjoy it and, since the cover is just chicken wire, the pole is a good place to hang out when the ground is still wet and cold from rain. It has rained a LOT this Spring! This is Henrietta, my Silver-laced Wyandotte enjoying the perch!


My only issue is that I can't go inside and visit with the girls. I want them to remain as tame as they are and have a lot of human contact! My son misses being able to feed them by hand. The girls are also getting bigger every day and I am beginning to think they don't have quite enough room. They seem fine but I want them to be very content! (Happy chickens = lots of eggs!) I was going to build a run extension with a door on the side, to go in between the coop/stand and the run but I found a huge dog run on Craigslist for $100 and this will solve both problems! I will most likely leave the run attached and allow them to come out the back door so that if we need to, we can secure them in the enclosed run. I would like to fit the dog run for some sort of roof, which would be especially good in the winter. I am thinking maybe one of those clear plastic rooftops. But, first things first, we have to pick up and then set up the dog run this weekend.......
Very nice coop
how many chickens does it house?

Thank you
Every night I count them and every night it's the same, 9 chickens and/or roosters go inside the coop and 9 stays on the roosting bars of the run (right next to the coop) along with 3 adult ducks. I also have 8 ducklings in the nursery coop and 1 broody chicken in the broody coop. I need to build one more coop

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