piercings and tattoos for them or against them?

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My piercings have never been a problem in my work. At 39, I have less garish pieces in now, but still a ton are visible. My job takes me in public, never had problems there. Many people are fine with piercings these days.
I am an occupational therapist and I have a lot of ink. I keep it hidden tho. Long sleeve shirts...stuff like that. I love tattoos and am always sketching up my next peice...but I also believe in being professional at work. Most my patients are elderly, and I show em respect by keeping my ink hidden.

People who only know me from work are pretty surprised by who I am outside of work. It's a shame that in this age, people still get judged on looks.
Not if you want to be a cop, I applied several years ago and was told if you have metal hanging out of your body do not expect a call.

I have no desire to go into police work, mainly because I'm extremely petite. I'm strong enough when not pregnant, but still, when I'm 4" below the average for women and am never over 100lbs when not pregnant, it's not the line of work for me.

I do however work for the state. And I'm hardly the most pierced or tattooed person in my department, never mind in the entire state employee listing.

My husband is HEAVILY tattooed, and has offers to go into police work almost daily. However, he likes what he does, and doesn't want to go, plus the department here has a major history of not having jobs for the deployed officers when they come home. So no, he isn't pierced, but he's got visible tattoos and those have never been a problem. However, looking at the officers here, a fair number have ear piercings other than single lobes.

This is called simply, it's time for YOU to grow up and get over yourself. You don't like piercings and tattoos, you don't have to. However, despite your ideas, they are not a negative aspect in life if you do them responsibly. If you ask my boss what work do I have done, he'll respond "I think her ears a few times, but I'm not sure, they don't bother me, and I don't see them" Most people who see me in a professional setting see my tragus piercings, maybe the bottom 2 or 3 lobes. Nothing else is shockingly visible.
I employ a number of tattood and pierced people. As long as an individual's "decorations" are not a distraction or a safety hazard, I don't have a problem with them. Only once have I rejected an applicant due to a piercing. This was 10 or 12 years ago, when tongue piercing was all the rage. One applicant had a poorly placed tongue ring, which caused her to lisp. In trying to describe her skill in dealing with the public, she stated, " I like to pee in person."

("I'm, like, a people person".)
I Am 47 "growing up" has nothing to do with the issue it is about what the employer wants relating to a job hiring after all you would be working for them not gracing them with your presence
"Getting offers" is not how the police hire people those are mere suggestions I have been through the process and can tell you abundant tattoos and piercings will not do any good for your chances as one of the parts to the process is an interview by older experienced officers. I have seen police with tattoos and it is suggested that they cover them up but you cannot wear long sleeves all the time. There is also a STIGMA attached to people with abundant tattoos and piercings (drugs) and note I said stigma, by the general public I know it is not always the case but it is there nevertheless.

Working for the "state" I will grant you all bets are off.
The state is forced by law to hire anyone so that is really not a fair comparison. They hired a guy with no arms at the Forest Service when I worked there to hand out information at the front desk with his teeth to the public and answer a speaker phone with his forehead and a big button. You kind of insulated my point though as if they do not see them they are not a problem unfortunatly not all people have the common sense to not tattoo their face or areas that cannot be concealed.

I have no desire to go into police work, mainly because I'm extremely petite. I'm strong enough when not pregnant, but still, when I'm 4" below the average for women and am never over 100lbs when not pregnant, it's not the line of work for me.

I do however work for the state. And I'm hardly the most pierced or tattooed person in my department, never mind in the entire state employee listing.

My husband is HEAVILY tattooed, and has offers to go into police work almost daily. However, he likes what he does, and doesn't want to go, plus the department here has a major history of not having jobs for the deployed officers when they come home. So no, he isn't pierced, but he's got visible tattoos and those have never been a problem. However, looking at the officers here, a fair number have ear piercings other than single lobes.

This is called simply, it's time for YOU to grow up and get over yourself. You don't like piercings and tattoos, you don't have to. However, despite your ideas, they are not a negative aspect in life if you do them responsibly. If you ask my boss what work do I have done, he'll respond "I think her ears a few times, but I'm not sure, they don't bother me, and I don't see them" Most people who see me in a professional setting see my tragus piercings, maybe the bottom 2 or 3 lobes. Nothing else is shockingly visible.
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Given as the offers are coming from the people who would be the ones hiring DH, and I'm about 100% sure he'd pass the testing given as he's passed higher testing without problems, I'm saying if he wanted one, he'd have a job within law enforcement here. Thankfully, he's got more brains than that and won't take a job with worse benefits, worse hours, and a major major risk for unemployment. But they sure as heck want him. Honestly, if he'd be assured of a job after a deployment, I'm pretty sure he'd be serving already. But since the history here is that they don't have a job at all when they come back, it's not worth it.

I've got facial piercings. I've got a tattoo and piercing on the back of my neck, which is visible in public if I wear my hair up. Most often, due to length, it's up. When I go out to a site, my hair is all up and my neck is visible. Yet, my boss has seen all of those, but because they don't impact my job performance and they aren't horribly obvious, he doesn't mind and tends to forget I have them. I've got a just out of college kid under me now who puts my work to shame, and while I honestly can't see how she wears a headset all day due to the metal in her ears, she does fine and she's a great employee and I'm really glad to get her on my team. Also in my area, thankfully not on my team, is a woman with NO piercings or tattoos that I know of - however, she remains one of the worst employees and is very close to losing her job due to her behavior.

In my VERY conservative state, working is based on how good of a job you do, not how you look. At least in a decent paying job.
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