pig born with monkey face (weird, spooky some might say disturbing)


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
newport news va


A FREAK piglet with the face of a monkey continues to shock the world after farmers in a Chinese village made the discovery several months ago.

The bizarre animal also has rear legs which are much longer than its forelegs, causing it to jump like a kangaroo instead of walk.

At the time, locals flocked to the home of Feng Changlin when news of the piglet spread in Fengzhang village.

"It's hideous. No one will be willing to buy it, and it scares the family to even look at it!" Feng said.

He says the piglet looks just like a monkey, with two thin lips, a small nose and two big eyes.

Feng's wife added: "My God, it was so scary. I didn't know what it was. I was really frightened.

"But our son likes to play with it, and he stopped us from getting rid of it. He even feeds it milk."
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OMY!!! Are monkeys breeding pigs now!?!?!?! Call Ripleys..

ETA: Did you see the picture of the side view??
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Look at the toes in the first pic. Two perfect pig toes then look at the bottom pic. it's Photoshopped.

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