Pigeon leg band size?


10 Years
Nov 11, 2009
Alberta, Canada
I just got my pigeon leg bands in the mail today. I got three sizes, 9mm, 8mm, 10mm. My baby pigeon is 9 days old, from my reschearch 9 days is a little to old to band but when I tried the band it went on really easy and seemed a little to big around his foot.
I'm prettty sure that the guy that sold them to me said the 9mm was ment for the homers ( and thats what I used)

Does anyone know what size leg bands are needed for homers? most leg band size charts say the sizes in letters not mm.
I have had to cut off bands but this usually happens on big breeds. Usually small breeds like kazan and old german owls souldnt have a problem with outgrowing bands. Unless the kazans have very heavily muffed feet.
heres a chart says 7 (8 would probably be fine if thats all you got) for OGO's and I would go with 8 for the kazans. They should be the size of a berliner.

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We used 8mm/size 8 for our racing homers(NPA bands) and size 11/11mm for our giant homers, when we had homers. That being said, i have a roller in my flock who is banded with an AU size 7 band so I'd say it all depends on the size of your birds and how they compare.
I knew you guys could help me out! thanks!
So I can use my 8mm on my homers and my 9mm for my kazan tumblers ( thanks for that chart scramblingmyeggs
) but acording to the chart my german owls need a 7mm
and I only have the 8s, 9s and 10s
I listed off the breeds I have to the guy selling me the bands and he told me what mm I would need for each breed I own! guess he made a mistake.
So far I have been told that as long as the band cannot be removed when it matures the size doesnt matter. There are many rare breeds on those charts that are sized wrong.
Ok thanks. but if the band is small enough to fit on to a baby but too small to fit on an adult when the baby grew the band would tighten too much right?

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