pigeon roost?


10 Years
Jul 17, 2009
Rural Hall, North Carolina
I have some 1/2inch dow rods and was woundering if it would be a good roost for my new pair of pigeons
.Thanks alot.
half inch rods wouldn't be good roost for pigeons, they like a flat surface, maybe 1-2 inches wide sticking out about 6 inches, a flat piece of wood
Definitely a flat surface. That's just a might small for pigeons.

I use scrap 1x6 in my lofts. Each time the wind blows a peice of my privacy fence down, I cut it up to make perches and nestboxes.
"T" perches are probably the favorites. They are easily made from 2x4's. Just screw it to the wall and it makes a T shape (top of the T being the part attached to the wall, and the line being what they site on), hence the name.
And there are V perches.

Those flaps help keep the droppings from hitting the birds below.


We have our T's and V's backed by long pieces of wood instead of individual backs for each perch. That way we can put up rows of perches at a time.
Another picture of our other perches:

There's also box perches. Too shallow to be nest boxes. They are like our perches in the previous picture, only with dividers to prevent fighting. Gives each bird his/her own cubby hole.

(not my picture, by the way)

You have a nice loft, its important for pigeons to have their own favorite perch, nice birds, how many do you have? I've seen you on Pigeon Talk or Slobberknocker forums, they are both good places for information and to buy birds, I like to watch the auction on Slobberknocker

I cut a large two by four into sections about 6" long and hung them up. I also made a few double longs so that the mated pairs could roost together. I attached them with triangular pieces at the connection to the wall. Similar to hanging a shelf. I also had a longer shelf that ran the entire length of the back of the loft with a divider up every 6" or so. this was a favorite of the younger birds when they were just leaving the nest.

If all you have is a pair, then a two by four cut to about 12" long should be just fine for them.

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