Pilgrim geese - male or female???

We have two Chinese geese, wondering if anyone knows how to tell if they are male or female. Is there any tell tale way for me to check?
     those pics are so adorable, the video where their running was cute too all but the littlest one. Please don't make it run right now if you have to pick it up so it stays up but having it run is not good.  Are you supplementing their feed with Brewers yeast? i think that lil one especially needs some Niacin all of them can have it too but this one really needs it. Some just show the B3 deficiency more than others. Giving the goslings some nice swim time if your able to keep the temp in the pool warm enough would especially benefit the lil one too we call it water therapy gives them a good chance to gain strength in their legs just never leave them un supervised and make sure they don't chill. You could even bring the one having trouble right now and a buddy inside for water therapy in your tub that way they could have warm water. Goslings can get hypothermia pretty quick so it is always wise to not let them play in water deep enough to swim unless it is nice and warm and the air temp is very warm and still they may chill so be ready to towel dry if necessary. Or put straight under a heat lamp to finish drying. and make sure they can get in and out of the pool safely too so they don't get water logged. Once they are feathered in they they will be more water proof.. And sorry if you already know all of this but I just feel compelled to mention these things when members get new goslings/ducklings..

More info  https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/raising-and-caring-for-goslings

Thank you very much for taking the time to go into details for me. We have had many duckling and chicken generations, touch wood with no losses after day 1 so have been fairly lucky, but we are not breaders and these are our pets, so limited experience. Today was about doing my research, I have now changed their feed (insufficient in protein), and tried to get some Brewers yeast (unfortunately I checked the message too late to find a shop open that supplied this). My aim is to grab some first thing tomorrow. Can I ask how much do I mix with food and how often (how long for)?

My stock feed place did not know anything about the Brewers yeast for geese, but they are probably not that knowledgeable as I have been feeding 16% protein on their recommendation (now have 20%).

The little one will be doing no more running, sorry I really thought I was doing the opposite and helping by getting the little one active:(

Please don't appologise for giving useful information, especially if it is in the best interest of their health, we are wanting happy and healthy geese, so your advice is appreciated.


@Camotracey use 1 Tab per cup of feed. on the Brewers yeast. you can also use Nutritional yeast but never baking yeast. They need to be on the BY till at least 10weeks old I still use Brewers yeast in the fermented feed I make up for mine and they are all adults but I have an old Muscovy drake 11.5 yrs who has difficulty walking so i have been putting the brewers yeast back in figured it may help. Running if the legs are already weak can't help but swimming in nice warm water can help build strong legs and muscles. just never leave them alone.As long as they can forage daily 20% is fine sometimes if fed a higher dose of protein they say water fowl can get angel wing I have used 20% since I started with water fowl in 2004 and have never had angel wing in any of mine and I think the main reason is most all of mine have been raised by their mamas so they learn early what to eat and they get to forage daily. so the protein is being cut a little. You can always add some oats to their feed to cut it some. Some say angel is is from too high protein some say genetic.
Please keep us updated on how everyone is doing and also daily pics they change so fast even over night it's amazing. Forgot to say if this is a niacin deficiency it usually only takes about a week to notice improvement sometimes less.

I can tell your babies are in good hands. Hopefully @JLynnsDuckies will stop by and look too. She knows Pilgrims.
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Goodness, beautiful geese!! How old are they? From what I see in this picture, I think you have a pair..Gander (left) and Goose. He has the longer neck, and your goose has begun developing the lobe on her belly.
Knob looks larger on the goose on the left too do you think @jchny2000

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