Pine shavings help?

Does it matter that they are the fine shavings????? Feed store said fine is ok

At 2 weeks old they may be old enough to tell the difference between bedding and food, hopefully anyway. Fine shavings are bad for new borns, we are told, because sometimes they will eat them and get sick. The larger shavings are preferred but even then there will be small pieces and dust in the brooder. You will probably be ok with the fine if you already bought it.
P.S. the store will tell you everything they have in stock is fine to use, just so they can sell it.
The risk of using pine shavings in brooders is way overblown. Baby chicks will sample anything they run across during the first few days, but they also have a built-in hesitation to consume anything new and strange. The latter cancels out the former in most cases.

There may be an occasional chick that goes nuts gobbling shavings, and if it hasn't learned to drink adequate water, the shavings become impacted in its crop, and in extreme cases the chick will die. Even though having a chick of yours die from this, it's still extremely rare.

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