Pine Tree Infested With Weird Bugs! Should we cut the tree down? Pictures!

sunny & the 5 egg layers

8 Years
Mar 29, 2011
In our backyard we have a pine tree that we transplanted about 8 years ago. Just recently we discovered that the tree is infested with these weird black bugs. If you walk past the tree you can sometimes hear them making a clicking sound. There is also constanly bee's on this tree. I'm pretty sure the bee's live right underneath the tree in the ground.

My dilemma is, I have no idea what these bugs are. There is probably thousands of them if I had to guess. Will they kill my other tree's?

Here are some pictures:

Thank you!
You are not going to eat that tree, so go and buy a strong systemic insecticide and water it into the tree. The tree takes it up through the roots and when the bug bites the tree, the bug dies.

You can buy a systemic at any store that sells plant and garden supplies. Follow the directions and don't use a systemic on any plants that produce food for humans or livestock.
Thats what i thought too Sting bugs or Scale cant really tel.Ge
t some dawn dishwashing liquid put in 2 table spoons of bleach and add water to a spray bottle shake the mix up and spray 2 times a week PS NON of these ingreedience are ba for your chickens
how big is the tree? are they still on it?
you can try hosing them off. with a high power jet.
Your tree is a fir tree looking at the needles. if it is not to big you can try a systemic . If it is a large tree you will probably have to have someone come out and spray it.
you can take a sample to your local county ag department and they can id your pest.
where are you located at?
I have recently acountered the same conundrum - I wrapped sticky bug tape round the trunk which stopped the bugs transferring to other nearby plants and 3 days later, all bugs had disappeared from the branches - the bands were covered in the bugs.
I have consulted a tree surgeon and a gardener - no one had ever seen such infestation before. For the timebeing at least, it appears, all is well and will monitor this in the future, having made sure a stock of sticky insect bands. Good luck!
I dont think they were actually eating the trea - like yours, they "painted" the branches black. They were also making their way down and that is when I decided to wrap sticky insect tape round the trunk. They got stuck on them and the branches are all clear again. I have other fir trees in the garden but they did not infest them. Long story short, tree is fine and no way would I fell it. Good luck!

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